Have been asked to export email addresses from customer account data.
I can see in the forum it talks about exporting sales info from the database using the data export tool, so I am assuming that we can also export customer records?
Not a SQL guy myself, so I wouldnt have any idea where to start.
Is someone able to help me here?
(btw, I haven’t disappeared, I’ve got a new project on atm {again})
Data export can take normal custom report expressions not just SQL.
A CSV of customer details is pretty easy, not at PC but have basic report if you get stuck.
Youll need to add a constraint expression to entity type etc to set to only be one type of entity.
As for output how do you mean fkd? are you setting the export directory as a .csv file?
Data Exports and Reports are really the same thing. They use the same syntax and tags. The only difference is that a Report shows on-screen (an/or can be printed), while a Data Export saves it’s output to a file.
So get the Report working to show the data you want, then worry about the formatting. As @JTRTech mentions, you need to apply a filter for the Entity Type. This comes after the first colon. This should work:
The formatting is the part after the final colon where you choose your fields and delimiters, and is the easy part - you use commas (,) or semi-colons (;) to separate the fields instead of pipes (|).
I successfully exported a Work Period Report to a csv file but how do you export a report that uses a script?
[Sales By Server:1,1,1]
SELECT O.CreatingUserName AS Name, CONVERT(nvarchar, CAST(SUM(O.Price * O.Quantity) AS Money), 1) AS Total, CONVERT(nvarchar, CAST(SUM(O.Price * O.Quantity * 0.08) AS Money), 1) AS Share
dbo.MenuItems AS MI ON MI.Id = O.MenuItemId
WHERE (MI.GroupCode = ‘Beer’ OR
MI.GroupCode = ‘Beverage’ OR
MI.GroupCode = ‘Wine’ OR
MI.GroupCode = ‘Liquor’ OR
MI.GroupCode = ‘Cocktail’ OR
MI.GroupCode = ‘Open Bar’) AND (O.DecreaseInventory = 1) )
GROUP BY O.CreatingUserName
The report works fine but I can’t get the export to work. Any help would be appreciated.