Export customers details name phone etc to excel

you have an extra comma after PostCode.

Just below customer details I took coma off . It didnā€™t work

take the {4} off at the end.

Done. Press export still nothingšŸ˜ž

You have to define the locationā€¦ like he showed in the screenshot. you cant just type a file name.

Something like C:\blahblah.blah

User folder is not a good one to chooseā€¦ most Windows have it locked down and SambaPOS wont have access. This is the error your gettingā€¦ it doesnt have access.

in the location you want the file right click the adressbar copy the adress then paste that in filename and after that put \ and how you wanna call the new file + .csv at the end of it

now the file should be in the location you earlier copied the adress

Thanks mate . I get this error

Guess you didnt believe me lol. I really wasnt making that upā€¦ users folder is restricted. SambaPOS will NOT have access to Users folder unless you specifically give it access via windows permissions. Either give SambaPOS write access to Users folder or pick a different location.

Ok . Thanks . Try I different location if helps. How come address phone number postcode appears on preview screen but not name?

like @Jesse said some files are ristricted just put it in second driver if you have that or desktop that should just work fine

Will USB drive work?

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yeah that should be fine

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You can create a new folder under C:\ drive like example below.

C:\New Folder

Then change export directory to that and it should work

C:\New Folder\Customer_List.csv

C:\New Folder\Customer_List.csv Access denied. Is it script.? Or custom field settings.?

You must not have permissions to write to C drive.