Export customers details name phone etc to excel

I checked permission on users setting full access. Will USB drive work?

Yes it will work with thumb drive. It doesn’t have full access or it would allow it.

Thumb drive did not work.

Is it the same error? You may need to check your policy ensure permissions are right.

try running sambapos as administrator (todo that right click sambapos and select run as administrator) that way it should have permission to write file anywhere

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I run samba in administration mode. No good . Will it be easier reset my pc to factory setting?. Restart sambapos from scratch. What’s the best way back up samba with out losing my menu setup or customer contact details?

You have some permission issues. Likely the user your logged in as really has no privlages.

What’s best way work around this?

Got this @JTRTech, will use as a template.


I’m having a go at exporting customer details (i.e. phone number, mobile and address) using below, however, for some reasons phone and mobile numbers is missing.

Customer Details
Phone,Mobile,Customer Name,Address,Region,Post code,
{REPORT ENTITY DETAILS:EC.Phone.asc,EC.Mobile.asc,EC.Customer Name,EC.Address,EC.Region,EC.Post code::"{0}","{1}","{2}","{3}","{4}","{5}"}

Would guess maybe .asc is not valid, whats hapens if you dont put .asc on them.

this is what I get if I remove .asc from phone and mobile

with .asc on mobile

with.asc on phone

So lots of entities without numbers.
Asc is either causing problem or putting empty first making numbers at bottom of list
 Have you actually exported all data and looked through it?

Yes, I have exported the data and it does not match the records. Exported data is as per preview. I have also tried by deleting all entities without numbers, same result.

asc is defenatly as issue either way, when you have on mobile some show number and on phone some show mobile.

Looking at the screenshot i was going to ask how you have entities without a name however you dont, the field is Customer Name, pretty sure you will find because you have not set a constraint like entity type = customers it is reporting all entity types and those first couple of dozzen are going to be tables which have no matching data fields.

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Below are my settings


Phone is not a custom entity field, its the entity name

so how do I match phone number to the address - sorry i’m lost :slight_smile:

Change EC.Phone to E.Name
Your entity name is your Phone column
 you used the ‘primary’ name field for phone

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Thank You. much appreciated. Still learning

Customer Details
Phone,Mobile,Customer Name,Address,Region,Post code,
{REPORT ENTITY DETAILS:E.Name.asc,EC.Mobile,EC.Customer Name,EC.Address,EC.Region,EC.Post code::"{0}","{1}","{2}","{3}","{4},{5}"}