I am Sambapos New user, and my english is very poor. I want to know how to change decimal place, program default is 2 place, i want to change no decimal, i search forum not found that tutorial. Thanks…
August 7, 2014, 11:50pm
See examples section at the end of this tutorial.
<T> (Title) : When used it will format line as a title.
<F> (Fill) : For example <F>- creates a line with - chars or <F>= creates a line with = chars.
<EB> (Enable Bold) Prints everything Bold until <DB> command.
<DB> (Disable Bold) Ends <EB> command
<Jxy> (Justified) Justifies a line from pipe char. <J00>Total:|0.00 separates line from pipe (|) char. It aligns Total: part left and 0.00 part right. When used on a ESC/POS compatible ticket printer numeric parts sets font size. Fi…
thanks, Printer Template is OK. I said in program, see pic
This is windows region setting
and this is sambapos setting
but still have decimal…
August 8, 2014, 11:03pm
We don’t support changing decimal spaces for SambaPOS UI for now.
Thanks, hope next version to support this.