Alright I’m not sure If I missed any particular topic that goes over this thing however I will try and make it as easy to understand as possible.
Firstly in many tutorials and questions within the foums I am seeing the fast cash $5,$10,$20,$50 buttons. I’ve tried to implement this with little success but I that’s sort of off topic at the moment.
After reading almost all I could find on fast cash buttons, I realised one particular thing may have not been mentioned(or I may have missed this). I will put this in a scenario case so it’s easy to understand what I’m trying to say.
Scenario 1.
Total order equal $50
Customer first gives $20 note to pay by cash.
User presses $20 fast cash
after pressing that button, the total amount is reduced by 20 and now showing only $30 left to pay
Customer pays the rest by card
User able to press a fast CC payment on order screen to complete the rest of the order.
Scenario 2
Total Order $ 30
Customer decides to pay $20 by card and $10 cash
User able to press Fast CC payment for amount of $20
After payment order is updated with remaining amount
Customer decides to pay the rest by cash
User can then just press the $10 Fast Cash payment and closes the ticket.
All of this I know can be done in the settle screen, but what if it was possible (Usually done in fast food places in AUS) to do the same thing on the order screen using fast cash buttons?
So far I’ve seen fast cash showing change and tendered amount for amounts less than or equal to fast cash button amount, but nothing relating something like shown in the scenario.
I have a feeling it’s really a easy setup, but until I can personally fix my own fast cash button issues, I just thought whilst I’m fixing it, why not see if I can modify it to fit this type of scenario.
This should be easily doable, payments can be put to a ticket like that.
My fast CASH button (no tendered value) is setup to do one of the two following;
A - if numberpad is empty cash is tendered to the ticket total
B - if numberpad has a value cash is tencered to the amount entered in the numberpad…
I do have a couple of other rules on payment processed action;
No Change
– Remaining Amount = 0
– Change Amount = 0
– Ticket Total =greater than 0
->Close Ticket
->Lougout User
Change Due
– Remaining Amount = 0
– Change Amount != (not equals) 0
– Ticket Total =greater than 0
->Ask Question – message = Tendered: £{TENDERED TOTAL}\rChange Due: £{CHANGE TOTAL}
->Close Ticket
->Lougout User
There is one thing I noticed though. Under the custom constraints, I could not find Ticket Total. I could however type it, would this affect the rule in any way?
Yeah after configuring it a couple of times I figured out what it does, but there is so much it can do, you sometimes just don’t know where to start.
Also I used the Fast Cash Payment button that automatically created the fast cash button for me. In the Fast Cash rule though, it has a ‘Execute Automation Command’ in actions which is linked to ‘ACM Close Settled Ticket’. Should I keep this as is or remove it?
I think If I did it fresh it would make me understand on how a few things work. However I think also if I can learn to adapt, then I can save time? In this case, I’m trying to adapt it. Lets see how it goes haha. Thanks @JTRTech
That is the rule from the configuration task. I just removed the extra action that was there. However after putting that constraint. I press the button and it still just immediately prints and closes ticket without number pad. Weird
Hahaha Oops, I just realised I was supposed to press something on the keypad before it actually fires it just like you said. its 5am in the morning, my brain is fried haha. thanks man