How to transfer table between waiters?

Yes I see it now. it is NOT in ticket screen that why close ticket doesn’t work I guess. Try change it from Ticket Opened to Ticket Displayed to see if close ticket work.

It is weird right. Ticket Opened event but it is not displayed yet.

@josephrussell How you handle No answer?

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I didn’t have cancel working. I’ve updated the tutorial above and Yes, No, Cancel should be fine now. Let me know if you have any issues.



That was completely awesome @josephrussell, I really appreciate you share your knowledge!
I edited Post 1 and moved this thread to V5 Tutorials, it is ok?
One last thing, maybe you can add to the tutorial the display ticket action to refresh screen with new user:

Looks good, glad its working. I might update my system at the restaurant to use this workflow. Currently its still operating on the old setup. I removed display ticket, but that was when it was “ticket opened” not displayed, now its needed again. Good catch. TTYL


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All because you trigger wrong event 1 step too soon. Maybe the event name misleading lol.
Ticket Opened should be opposite to Ticket Closed. :slight_smile:

Do you know if this tutorial is still available?

Is your tutorial still available?

Hey dkirk, the .zip from josephrusell is not available, but you can follow the instructions and you will get the same results. Click on the josephrusell tutorial, in the first post of this thread.

@dkirk aaronrrc is right. If its confusing read up on entities and have to assign them to tickets. Let us know if you have any problems. I might have the zip kicking around.