Have just redesigned my Fast Cash Payment buttons and used note illustrations in place of text.
Will upload the .PNG files should you wish to replicate.
If your UK based and like my illustrations here are the png files, you could prefer to use actual images of the notes or your own images. Have also included the corel draw file and PDF should they be any use. Fast Pay Files.zip (247.4 KB)
I think it does work, as does the Symbol field, but they are both specific to Tiles on the Nav Screen. They do not work on a Button outside of the Nav screen.
The format should simply be the path and file of the image.
EDIT: Hmm… the Image field does not appear to work at all. It may be obsolete since the addition of <img> tag, which you can use in the Button Header field, or in the case of a Tile, in the Template field.
Well it was working but disabled for now I’m just trying to ensure if <img> tag will be enough. As <img> does not always fit buttons correctly I’ve decided to consider later if I should enable this setting or improve <img> that.
It may prove useful for IMG to allow for setting the width and/or height so that all buttons receive consistent image sizes. Basically it would scale the image to fit within the bounds set by the IMG tag.
Something like this: <img [width],[height]>
If a value is specified as 0, no scaling takes place, so we can set width/height independantly, and use one or the other dimension exclusively. For example, this would only restrict the height to 100, without keeping perspective (the image may get squished or stretched):
<img 0,100>image.png</img>
And if we want to keep perspective (so it doesn’t look “squished” or “stretched”), we use -1 instead of 0 to indicate this:
Have lost track of if your talking about using in the header field or the image field.
But wanted to say, if the image field only relates to the nav screen wouldn’t it fit better on the nav settings ‘tab’?
Will tag also work for Payment Type buttons on the payment screen? For example, if I have a Visa payment type, I could use the Visa logo rather than the text? Would look quite good.