Mark opened and remove mark opened action

Newest Sambapos. 5.5.8
This action working at admin rule, if not admin, not working.

It is working. I’d be curious how your testing it. And how you configured your users.

Just to confirm I used a non admin user, and an admin user. it works for both.

The Mark Ticket as Open action is in Ticket opened rule… the Remove Open Mark action is in Ticket Closing event.

It works just as its supposed too.

I just try again. for open and closed ticket without change entity working.
but if change table, select or change customer name, still a bug

Ok so we need a different event then. I’ll look at that. The action works. But the way your using it may require more configuration.

what configuration, i need to take it

SambaPos 5.60 Still bug for action mark and remove opened ticket if change table or select customer!

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SambaPos 5.62 Still bug for action mark and remove opened ticket if change table or select customer!
Any concern about this BUG action?

Johan have you tried removing the mark before Move action executes?

I had not tried it, select customer or change table, this action is a core samba pos.
I can’t interrupt this 2 action

Sambapos 5.7.2 still bug problem, not solved.
I think sambapos team are not concert about mark opened dan remove opened mark action.

Did you ever try this?

We are concerned about everything. I am sorry we haven’t fixed this yet. Hopefully we will be able to after we finish some other issues.

I tried to reverse engineer to check the problem, and problem at logical change entity ticket, because sambapos take logical close before change entity as core.So This is distrub remove marked opened action. not function.
I not repaired because it all sambapos property.
I just tried to interrupt at SQL query but still cann’t

I want to be clear we will fix it. I am sorry we havnt fixed it fast enough for you but it will get fixed.

You should not reverse engineer that is never going to be a good solution and it is harmful and violates the use policy of our license.


Yes I know about license, but it 3 year long journey, not solved, I curious why it’s so difficult. And I ask direct to sambapos team,
they say “According to our records we noticed that your reseller account has been changed to Passive Status therefore we won’t be able to provide direct support until you purchase Reseller Starter Pack (includes 10x SambaPOS V5 Pro licenses).”
But it’s a bug core from coding sambapos, not from my configuration or resseler policy. So I tried RE, and I need this action for handle other bug, when traffic high, move order will duplicate existing ticket. It problem for tax policy government, because they take all data and access direct to SQL server.
I check other people get this problem too. For bug move order it’s more long journey 7 years not fix.
I hope sambapos team more aware to handle report bug from everyone.
In 7 year, we get many duplicate ticket because bug move order, and must settle again and clear with tax government. It so tired with sambapos.

This feature was created for specific reason, that reason it is working well, yes we need to improve it for more reasons to use it like yours. We will look at that. We have many things we need to do with many priorities. We take highest demand first.

I am not aware of a 7 year old move order bug? What bug are you talking about? When Traffic is high move order duplicates a ticket? I do not see any reports of that bug, can you please help me find where this has been reported?

If you are a reseller and your not active we can not dedicate our support resources towards supporting inactive resellers. We have a service to our resellers so we must dedicate that resource to them. We fix bugs every day, and you can see all the bugs and features we fix and add with every release and beta. It is not accurate to say we dont. We cant fix and solve everything we must pick and choose based on demand. We will look at this bug. I will update you again tomorrow what our team says if we have an ETA.

This issue bug about move order

Until now this can happen

Yes, I know about it, but for bug from software, sambapos team can be become more aware and concern to solved.
I email support sambapos for they more concern that bug is exist, because at this forum report not yet to repaired like 3 year. I think just a little day it can be solved it just change logical close or something?

We are not getting reports of this move order issue. I responded to that thread.