New Ticket Lister formats

Set a Width for your blocks.

<block margin color alignment width>

color     : choose your format: Red, #FF0000, #55FF5599
margin    : comma-separated list in this order: Left,Top,Right,Bottom
alignment : valid values: left,right,center,justified
width     : if you specify an alignment, you should also specify a width

So to amend this <J><block 1><color #2D89EF>{TICKET TAG:Open Bar Tabs}</color></block>

is this right?

<J><block 1,0,0,0><color #2D89EF><alignment left><width 15>{TICKET TAG:Open Bar Tabs}</width></alignment></color></block>

No it should be

<block 1,0,0,0 #2D89EF left 15>{TICKET TAG:Open Bar Tabs}</block>

brill thanks ill try it now :slight_smile:

bit of tweaking and im getting there :smile:


heres my final version, what you think?


Very nice Rick. Little busy for me but that looks nice. Good job.

Nice job.
Can you Please post the template? :wink:

Here it is

<J><block 1,0,0,0 #5ffffff center 100><color #AA00FF00>{TICKET ID} </color></block>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #5ffffff center 200><color #2D89EF>{TICKET TAG:Open Bar Tabs}</color></block>
<L><size 10><block 10>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #5ffffff center 110><color #FFF79646>{TICKET QUANTITY SUM} </color></block>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #5ffffff center 150><color red>£{TICKET TOTAL} </color></block>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #5ffffff center 140><color #FF8064A2>{USER NAME} </color></block>

<J>  [=('{QUANTITY}x' + "    ").substring(0, 4)] {NAME}|£{TOTAL AMOUNT}<br/>

Other settings


What can we put in filter? I saw @Jesse screenshot has [tt:xxx]. Can you point me to the list of things we can put it in there please? Can it take multiple filters by comma separate value?

I try to filter by Ticket State but it is not working.

Unpaid,TicketType is Delivery
Unpaid,TicketType == Delivery

‘{TICKET STATE:TicketType}’ == ‘Delivery’
‘{TICKET STATE:TicketType}’ is ‘Delivery’

Ticket state is available at top of ticket lister… So is order state no special filter for that. Try Unpaid,Delivery

Hmm, actually I want to display only Unpaid Delivery Ticket. When we use comma, it acts like OR but I need AND.
But if I put AND, &&, & in State box, it doesn’t work.

So use just Delivery and setup automation to change that state to something else when paid. Delivery-Paid maybe.

Yes, That what I will do combined state (cStatus) to read Status and TicketType State. But I have problem Entity Grid I just post a new thread. I want to figure that out first.

Any idea why mine does not display in line?

<J><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #AA00FF00>{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status} min</color></block>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 100><color #2D89EF>{ENTITY NAME:Tables}</color></block>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #FFF79646>${TICKET TOTAL} </color></block>

LOL, because you have separated the lines in the Template. There is a linefeed inherent at the end of each </block>. You need to string them together, like this:

<block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #AA00FF00>{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status} min</color></block><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 100><color #2D89EF>{ENTITY NAME:Tables}</color></block><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #FFF79646>${TICKET TOTAL} </color></block>
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I just copy from @RickH template. But his is working :smile:

Yeah, it works now. Dine In - Take Out - Delivery on one screen
But need your help to make it beautiful :blush:

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@emre just have a SambaPos stopped working issue.
The text went smaller after changing the entity screen settings, before set to Min Wide and Max wide.
I will PM you the database as I can not get this restructured.
The issue is in the EN_Kitchen Display / Mains