Print Last Receipt via Automation Command

Hello Team,

Is it possible to have a automation command to print the last receipt which has been issued to the customer ?


This will print the current bill. I would like to print last issued bill.

I want this for below situation

Sometime customer forget to take the bill but they request immediately after it is issued.

Is it possible to be done ?

Sorry, I still don’t understand what you’re asking for.

I think he want one click button.
Here quick write up:

  • Using Update Program Setting Action to store last ticket id.
  • Inject action create above to your Print Bill rule
  • Create Automation command button
  • Create Load Ticket action
  • Create Rule for automation command button.
  • Select action Load Ticket using {:VariableName} create on the first step
  • Select Exec Print Bill action
  • Select Close Ticket.

Hello @sukasem

Thanks for your reply.

Is it possible to give me a step or diagram ?

it will be really a great help.

Thanks mate.

Hello @Jesse

Can you help me please ?

Thanks mate

@sukasem Gave you the steps…

  • Using Update Program Setting Action to store last ticket id.

  • Inject action create above to your Print Bill rule (where you choose to Inject this is up to you…)

  • Create Automation command button

  • Create Load Ticket action

  • Create Rule for automation command button.

This perfectly works in a Single terminal but in case of Multiple terminal. This does not work. Is there any way to store the last ticket Id in tar local settings and retrieve it ?

If you store to local settings other terminals can not retreive it… it should be set to false for storing database.

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Set to true for local
Set to false for database

If set to false other terminals should be able to access it from the database