Printing 3 Kitchen docket to kitchen printer

Dear all,

Please can you help with practical example how to make my kitchen orders come with 2 copies anytime i send an order to the kitchen printer.

thank you.

Edit the Execute Kitchen print action and turn on setting for 2 copies.

HI jesse,

What i see is parameters, amd i set it to 2. But it is still one

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You need to open the rule remove the action save it then open the rule again add the action back and save it. Changes to actions won’t automatically take affect on rules.

But that’s not the setting. Hmm I swear there was a setting for that.

Look here it should be under Parameters.


If you do not have that option then you need to update to latest version of Sambapos. But it looks like you just need to scroll down. I see a scroll bar on the right.

Thanks Jesse, it worked fine.

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This is what in my saw with my samba pos4

How do i link with my kitchen

Please how do i set up my kitchen printing docket in samba pos 4

SambaPOS 4 is no longer supported. Please upgrade to the latest version to obtain the most up to date features.

Once updated you can find most of what you need here

Thank you so much i have successfully, uninstalled the sambapos v4 and reinstalled sambapos 5 but how do i link my database and create a new instance

When you install SambaPOS V5 and run it over the existing database, SambaPOS will automatically update your database and missing columns

I didn’t run it over an existing database and missing column. I was not aware of this. I have deleted it old ones and created new data on the samba pos5. So how do i go about it

Manage > Settings > Local Settings > Database > Edit Connection String

You can enter your HOSTNAME\SQLINSTANCE, username, password and Database name.

If the database doesnt exist, SambaPOS V5 will create a new one.

error message

You need to enter all the details, the hostname and instance, username, password and database. It will not work with just hostname and instance.

Same thing

Hello, anyone ready to help?

Here is a copy of clean database for V5. Restore it using SSMS and then adjust your connection string to it. (483.8 KB)

Thank you very much, i have downloaded it. Please can you explain a little more, how i can use it?

Do i have to uninstall my already installed SQL server 2012? or should i uninstall the sambapos v4?

How do i use the SSMS? because i uninstalled the earlier recognized database, and the recognized instance name is SAMBAPOS4, which happens to be my database name too.