Reduce or increase a {SETTING} number by one each time quantity pressed

I have a SETTING that increases a number by {QUANTITY} every time a product is selected, however in order line if I use the + or - to increase or reduce it obviously the SETTING doesn’t decrease.

Is there a rule that I can fire if these are pressed? Cant seem to see anything?

Order Portion Changed? I dunno, only shows price and name. Maybe quantity could be there? :confused:


Maybe elaborate on wht the outcome is.
Is this for your loyalty?
I had issue with these on my discounts setup, only workarround was to create your own +/- and disable the default ones which are in user profice tick boxes somewhere.
Does it have to be live as orders added? Order qty is easily done as a report expression if it can be done as say ticket closing or other event. How about ticket total changed with report oprder count type expression?

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Good shout on manual ones, thatll do it. Yes for loyalty.

It has to be live yes as it shows the points accrued as you go

I didn’t know you could disable them? :shock:

Wheres that to?

I did it here;


Absolute star!

Cheers :smiley:

They probably need some refinement to match the origionals and limit use but its a start.

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