Reservation Setup Beta

I’ve installed the reservations with a few modifications and it’s working well.

However when logging in Sambapos, when I click the ‘Reservations’ screen, it takes about 2-4 seconds to load up the screen.

Is anyone else experiencing this and is there a way to reduce this wait time/lag?

Perhaps your system is slower system? What specs, how much ram, what cpu? HDD or SSD?

Entity screens can add extra resources to SambaPOS. Some advanced configurations require a better system.

I’m working with a J1900 4gb ram 64gb SSD

Perhaps it might be worth upgrading to 8gb ram?

j1900 4g is going to struggle with most advanced entity screen automations. It works fine for SambaPOS in general but custom entity screens require more resources. I would recommend a j34 8gig as a minimum… i3 is the sweet spot for handling most all custom screen setups.

I personally would only recommend j1900 for systems not using advanced custom entity screen based automations. It is cheap and works well.

That’s good to know, thank you!

Hi guys, got this set up to suit our needs.

How do we get the reservation list to show only current and future bookings?

Right now, it’s showing past bookings at the top (making a bit tricky to navigate).

Any thoughts?

It won’t show past bookings if you close them out.

If you used a Configuration Tasks you should have a rule named RZV Close Reservation


If you have that rule, double check the Ticket Type Name (in the constraints) is the same name as the name as the ticket you normally use.

The action in this rule will mark the completed field as True. This will remove the past reservations from your list.

I tried changing the Ticket Type Nme to ‘Ticket’ and ‘Reservation Ticket’

All the past bookings still seem to be there :confused:

Some screenshots:

Try changing the “Execute rule if” from “Matches” to “Matches All”.
Also add a show message action. In the show message field
Ticket Type: {TICKET TYPE}\rReservation ID: {TICKET TAG:Reservation Id}.

Now open up a past ticket from the reservation screen and close it. There should be a pop-up with the Ticket Type and Reservation Id. If there is a pop-up then the rule is working, something is wrong with the action. If there is no pop-up then we know the rule is not firing.

Matches all shouldn’t be any different with constraints there.
Matches default is OR where constraint 1st is similar and AND for different ones.

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I tried changing the "Matches’ to “Matches All”

I also added show message action but no message popped up.

Also, the only way I can close the reservation is by first highlighting the booking, then clicking no show, then clicking close reservation.

Is that the only way to close a booking? Am I missing something here?

It should automatically mark the reservation task as completed when the bill is paid.

Something is happening…or not happening further up the chain. Can you make a Automation Command Button with a show message action. Put the above code into the show message. Then open up a past ticket and press the automation command button.

Oh the reservation isn’t assigned to a specific table.

We just wanted to make a list of phone bookings for our reference.

Is there a way to automatically close these bookings once the day has passed? Rather than when the payment is settled?

If not using tables then you need to modify it to work for you.

Maybe but you would need to build that automation. You could use before work period ending event.