I need an option to add 18% Gratuity manually to a Ticket. I followed Emre’s tutorial below, but this does not show under Ticket section. It shows under payment screen.
I would like it to work in the following manner:
Show under Ticket section
Gratuity should not increase tax collected
I need to be able to turn on and off by clicking “Gratuity 18%” button
Thank you for quick reply. I created an Action, Rule and Automation Command. It is almost working except it is adding $18 to Ticket Total. I need to add 18% to Ticket Total.
Also, what should I add to Ticket Template to print Gratuity.
You did not select fixed amount like in my screenshot did you? I did not mean for you to set it to Fixed amount I was just wanting you to look at the arrows
Did you have it set as 0 in the calculation type? Maybe let the action define the amount. Or put it as variable and let Rule Define it. If that does not work maybe try setting it as variable and use an expression in the rule.
It works just fine exactly as I showed you how to make it… one exception I did not mean for you to copy my action. You need to change Calculation Method to Rate from Ticket make sure Rate or Amount is 0. Max is 0 and Rounding is 0. Check Include Tax, Use Plain Sum, and Toggle Calculation. Then follow rest of what I told you to do. You probably need to log out and log back in for calculation type to take affect.