Samba Terminal Auto Config

So just curious if anyone else has tried to do this as I have a few things setup but wondering how much further it can go. I have a few terminals that have special settings, things like all firewall profiles disabled, samba setup as the main shell so its works as a terminal, I also have buttons in samba that allow the terminal to be logged off of windows, rebooted, or shutdown when the buttons are clicked they just run a batch file that does the corresponding command. Also have a command run at samba start that maps network drives, and runs cmdkey that saves the server credentials in case for some reason the system forgets them. Since im not running active directory or windows pro os to keep costs down. Basically what ive done is created a script that is ran when samba is started on a terminal that makes all the changes to the OS i want so that if someone changes something at every start of samba it makes the changes again. Just wondering if anyone else has done this. By the way this saves me loads of time!.. When i setup a new terminal all i have to do is install samba connect it to the database and when i relaunch the software it makes all the changes to the os to turn it into a terminal and then i just reboot and bam im done.


I’m not aware of anyone who has done this, but that setup is pretty neat and handy. Well done :D. You wouldn’t by any chance be able to share how you set it up that way? I can think of a few reasons to why that setup would be so handy to have.

Sounds good but what is your question? If your trying to find how to replicate this then why dont you just create system images, and reimage new terminals?

I think he just wanted to know if anyone has also done something similar to share experiences with, to also see if there is possibly anything else that he can or should add to the list of things the script will make the OS do for auto terminal setups


Exactly… I’ll try to get some screenshots but it’s a rule that runs at application start that runs a batch file that has all the configurations in it.

That ^ is not the same as scripting OS/setup parameters. The big difference is that if it were scripted, it could be released as a tool to help common setup scenarios for users everywhere, and the script could be easily changed to suit particular needs.

I think this is a great idea, and I don’t think anyone has done this yet. At one point, when I was trying to get the Message Server working, I collected a few small scripts (BAT, Powershell) for SQL Server config changes and Firewall changes. My intent was to “package” it all together so that is could be run in an interactive manner, prompting the user for things like:

SQL Instance
DB Name
DB user/password
SQL IP and port information to allow remote connections, and for Firewall
Message Server Port (for firewall)

After entering information, or accepting defaults, the script would make all updates to the system (OS/SQL/Firewall) as necessary, saving new users time and headache, like:

  • setting SQL to mixed authentication
  • setting SQL for remote access
  • setting SQL ports and listening IP for SQL Server and SQL Browser
  • setting Firewall Rules to open applicable ports

There was also quite some time ago, a bit of discussion regarding SQL Server setup/install using an unattended config/settings file that we could release to ease the pain for new users as well. Things like:

  • Instance Name
  • DB Name
  • Mixed auth
  • sa password

I think it would be great to see what you have done so far, and we could work to improve and add to it to solve most common usage/setup scenarios making it easier for new users of SambaPOS.

This post has a powershell firewall script, and the topic contains a lot of useful information for setting up multi-terminal:

And this topic talks about unattended SQL Server install, as well as opening firewall ports from command line:


Im wondering if anyone has attempted an unattended setup for sambapos yet?

I think it would be best to have it running right after sql server installation unattended.

What if we could configure at the beginning during setup an option to insert sql server details before installation or after installation finishes . This way we could possibly parse information of the computer name and sql instance into the setup file…

This would making setting up sambapos much easier.
Especially when migrating the backup file from one pc to another, this could make resuming operation much quicker (possibly)