Hi @Jesse finally got it working with all the things I need for the setup. Overall, exactly what I need for now. A lot of work got accumulated before the holidays so only got a chance to continue working on it past week.
Here it goes! Also, if you see room for improvement, feel free to let me know!
Improvements made:
- Refund Guest’s SambaCard Balance at the end of their stay
- Select SambaCard while in Order Screen by swiping the card
- SambaCard Transaction Report
- VIP & Staff Discount for SambaCard using Entity Data -> VIP & HH Discount by QMcKay
I will cover first two points.
New Ideas for future functionality :
Select SambaCard by Numpad works, but would it be possible to do the same from Settle Screen? What I am trying to achieve now is some type of Tap’N’Go – Customer comes to the service area, makes an order and on Settlement screen staff scan the card which automatically loads the entitty and makes the payment. Else, makes a pop up message saying Insufficient funds. Remaining Card balance is [Balance], please top up your SambaCard.
Could you provide me some insight? Would that be possible with Payment Processors?
### This will work only if you followed SambaCard tutorials that are linked in the 1st post. ###
1. Rerfund Funds
Add New SambaCard Refund Account and mark it as Sale Accounts type
Create a new Account Transaction
Create a new Document Transaction so you can use it in the Accounts Details
2. Select SambaCard at Order Screen by reading the card
Create an Action - Change Ticket Entity
Create an Action - Display Ticket
Create a rule that follows actions you just made - NOTE: In my case all cards start with 000
This kind of how it looks like…
P.S. Merry Christmas everyone!