SambaPOS 5.1.53 Release


Here are new 5.1.53 features.

###Popup Browser action

This action works like Ask Question action but displays an URL inside popup window.

For example you can use it to display delivery maps without leaving ticket.

###Order Selection Changed rule

This rule works when you select / deselect an order line inside ticket.

SelectedOrderCount parameter returns total count of selected order lines. When a new order line selected [:MenuItemName] parameter returns the name of the selected menu item name. When an order line deselects this parameter returns nothing (empty value).


Brilliant. now i can display customer Facebook profile and see who is the customer when i take order on the phone.


Great idea @pizzaeilat4. Do you know facebook ids of your customers?

Well @emre sambapos serch for Facebook profile id using phone number so i don’t need to know the id of the customer profile in order find him.
This allows me to see who is the customer when i take order on the phone.
I really like this.
This is very useful to me.
Thank you.


OMG it really does it. So great :slight_smile:


you got my attention, I am not a very inteligent facebook user, but our pizza place has 2500 facebook fans, and it would be great to identify them…

could you please point me in the correct direction?



I will prepare a tutorial soon when I have time.

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This tutorial will only work on v5.1.53 and above.
setup an action to load entity

Setup an action to Popup Browser

Setup automation command Bouton

Map it to ticket

Setup a rule to handle this actions

Put this line on the url setting{ENTITY NAME}&hl=en

Please note that in my case Entiti name is the customer phone number.
If you setup your customers phone number on a custom field than you need to update the url line with it.
This is how it works,
When you receive a reservation via phone call you can hit the Facebook Bouton to see Who you are talking to.

BTW, that is my profile on Facebook :wink:


Thank you very much!!!

I will try this feature. liked it a lot, since 90% of our customers are from facebook

Thanks again!!!


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