It would depend on the processor. In cake it’s just preauthorized and batched out at once after tip adjusted. I’m not sure how it’s planned to work but I would hope it’s similar. I’m fairly sure it takes them out like a hold from customers account and then it’s processed on the batch out with any tips added.
I’ve had customers complain that they were charged twice due to their online banking showing the hold amount and the processed amount at the same time but the hold always disappears on next business day. That depends on their bank though.
As far as I could understand tip adjustment is a second transaction that works without a credit card. We obtain a token / id while processing first payment and use this token for the second (tip) transaction.
So is the tip adjust screen not available yet? Or is that a configuration task we need to setup? I was able to test the dummy processor but I cant access the tip adjust features.
I think it would be good idea to add the Tip Amount to the Update Tip button. Based on my experience with adding tips at end of the day and adjusting stuff constantly for the past year I can say that seeing the tip on the button when you press it catches errors faster. I have stopped myself because I pressed to many 1s or 2s or 0s so many times. Where I am less likely to look back at the transaction I always notice it on the button.
Personally I think last 4 and card type can just stay in the tables on the left and over where we enter tip maybe just display Card Holder Name, Payment Amount, Payment ID, TIp amount.
In fact we don’t have much space in the grid. You can see how it appears on default resolution on my gif.
I’ll allow to add remove grid columns but by default we should have a nicely hardcoded screen. I’ll try to improve it based on displaying typed amounts on button idea.
Something that I feel is important and it may need to be discussed further because I dont know what all is involved to make it a reality but having a customer screen and being able to display signature or tip selection for customer is pretty huge in quick service restaurants. It gives our employees a chance to get a tip when otherwise they wouldnt because its rude to ask for a tip and most customers will not sign paper slips at counter service.
Customer selected tips can come into tip screen as already added. We could do some other nifty things like allow customer to choose if they want a receipt or not or let them choose an E-receipt by entering their email or text.