Second IE Window On Customer Display

What changes did you make to stop it from occurring?

I searched Google for “windows 10 randomly freezes” and went here

I didn’t do 3, 9, 10 or 11 but all the rest. 1 or more did the trick…(so far).

OK, so it’s not the Windows 10 freezing that causes the second IE window.

It happens on the first sale of the day if it’s a Takeaway - Cappuccino (or Latte) - Large. If I process the same order during the day it’s fine.

There’s nothing in the log to indicate anything happened.

I’ll do some more tests tomorrow, I can’t do it at home as I don’t have the second screen.

You can still do it, just move the windows around. It can run on the same monitor, not ideal, but possible.

It’s intermittent now (as in some days it doesn’t happen) but it’s always the first transaction. Last time it was a different coffee style and size but still takeaway. The common thing on the three instances that I’ve captured is Takeaway and First Transaction.

I just saw in this post from Jesse:

I’ll try an upgrade to see if that fixes the issue.

Lol, it didn’t mean what I thought🤦

Actually I thought same but I found out it still uses IE for browser printer. It only uses chromium internally for HTML viewer and related things.

If you uninstall IE does SambaPOS use whatever is left eg Firefox, or does it just fail to ‘print’?

Never tried, but I would suspect it still uses IE. Even if you uninstall IE, the IE component it uses likely remains in Windows as part of .net framework, or possibly even as part of SambaPOS

Sorry that’s wrong - it launches IE. I got mixed up with internal usage of IE and now Chromium.

Actually, you should try. Probably doesn’t work though as it launches IE, likely will just give error.

I’ve finally set up a VM and installed SambaPOS for testing.

A weird thing happened though. When I tried to restore the database I kept getting an error saying that the database was in single user mode and someone was already connected (so the restore failed). After trying everything under the sun to try and resolve it I was also working on how the testing was going to happen on a single screen.

I was searching on how to achieve the below:

and came across a post by @emre which stated that if I double click the SambaPOS logo in the top left of the screen it comes out of full screen mode (a hidden gem). I did that and noticed that the username that was connected to the database was the Windows username that I use to log on to my host PC! I added that username to be a database admin and it worked. The connection string in SambaPOS uses the database user ID and password but that doesn’t work? I would have thought that the host PC windows username would be independent of the VM?

The username displayed in the title bar of the window is your user name that’s connected to your license.

SambaPOS doesn’t not connect with integrated security meaning Windows credentials cannot be used and a username and password must be specified. This username and password are configured when you install the SQL Server engine so it can vary between instances.

Unless connected to a domain, your user SID should be different on the host and guest machines.

In the future if for some reason you’re stuck in single user mode, open SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on your database and select ‘Properties’. On the left, select ‘Options’ and on the right scroll to the bottom. Change ‘Restrict Access’ from this:


to this:


It can use windows Auth but you must setup the Windows network correctly for every machine or it won’t work. I always recommend mixed mode and use Sql server user to connect. On install of sql server be sure and check mixed mode. By default it has it as windows Auth.

I presume by editing the connection string directly, no?

Will use Windows auth when no user or password in connection string.
Mixed mode is much easier to manage for multiple terminals.

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I changed the state from single user to multi user several times. Each time I changed it it just reverted back to single user. I even tried a reboot after changing, then checked the state was in multi user. Fired up SambaPOS, ran the restore (which failed), checked the state and it was back to single user.

I’m using mixed mode :+1:

Mixed Mode

I have a unique username and password specified in the connection string.

If you mean within SambaPOS, Local Settings, Database, Edit Connection then yes.

I purchased the license under my business name, I use my business email to log into cp.sambapos. I can’t see any reference to my host PC username on the portal?

At the end of the day I’ve probably set something up incorrectly to cause this but it’s working so I’m just going to go with it. :grinning:

Thanks for all the responses. :+1: