Second IE Window On Customer Display

Another double up today (1st sale again) however for the first time the 2nd instance appeared in front of the 1st one so no one noticed.

have you tried to change the Home page setting in IE to the HTML file in Sambapos5 folder? I had a look at the client’s terminal today, it has’t had any double screen issues since I did that and also, clear rules, I now only have

and it seemed working alright so far.

I do have IE set to use the SambaPOS file as the home page. I’ll check all my Rules when I get back to work. :+1:

I have none of those rules. Can you expand them so I can implement your solution to see if that fixes things for me please?

My Customer display refresh is on the Ticket Total Changed rule.

I had a thought as I was driving home today (probably should just concentrate on driving though). Since my issue seems to be at the first sale of the day I’m thinking that as the order changes rather quickly with adding order tags (size, milk type, sugar etc) that the refresh is triggered before IE has fully opened for the first time. So Windows doesn’t think IE is open so starts another instance? I’ve added IE to the ‘startup’ folder so it opens fully before we start for the day.

I’ll see what happens over the next few days.

The rules are identical, only differences are the time when to trigger and which print job to use.
there are two sets of Customer Displays with my setup:

One is Slides, eg, when the display is Idle, no orders to be shown.
another is Orders, for when we putting items onto the tickets.

My rule set is to trigger the customer display orders print job every time there is an update on the ticket.
Move to the Slide Print job when the tickets are finalised.

and every day, I let the IE start up when the work period starts, do have a go at that and see how it goes. it seemed to have worked for me.

I’m happy to put this to bed now, yay! I’ve had no repeat occurances since I added IE to the startup folder.
Thanks for all the suggestions and help with this.