Setup Courses - different serving areas on same order.. with entity screens

You type your own command name there. Then you make the command.


Hi Kendesh,

I did that so I created the automation command, then I selected it, but in the other tutorial, there is an extra box, for command name? Which I why I’m confused.

You mean the buttons box? You can not make a command button with ticket Lister that is v4 only. You can make it so you click on the ticket and it clears it. This means it will not be selected it will just clear it as soon as you click on it.

You might be able to manually create the button if Automation Command Button widget is available in v3. If its not then you will never be able to have a button in v3 unless you hire a programmer to program it in via source code.

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Essentially, the command name adds the button right? But V3 doesn’t have this, so we have to workaround correct?

Hi Kendesh,


So I can add an automation command, could you please explain how to then link it to the ticket lister so the bar order ready button works?

Is there an Automation Command Button Widget available?

@alex1 V3 is not officially supported anymore. Even it is hard to remember if certain features exists for V3. Better you may try to contact actual V3 users through or search kitchen display related discussions via Search | SambaPOS V3.


Yes there is an automation command widget.

I will go ahead and answer this portion since I started the dialog but I kind of agree with @emre this forum should stay focused on v4 and v5 when it releases.

I have not tested this because I do not have v3 but you could try creating an Automation Command Button widget and using {TICKET ID} as the Command Value. Build your rule to read that Command Value.

It probably won’t work
 I don’t think Automation Command Button Widget will have any idea what the Ticket Id is for the selected Ticket since there is no linkage there. That is likely why the Command Buttons feature was added to the Ticket Lister in the first place in v4. But I could be wrong - you will just need to try it and see.

On the other topic, if you use the Automation Command Name in the Ticket Lister, it should pass the Ticket Id automatically as soon as the Ticket is selected, and fire the event for Automation Command Executed. In the Rule, the Command Value will contain the Ticket Id.

The only real difference is that no button is displayed at the bottom of the Lister. The idea of having buttons at the bottom is so that you could do a multi-select of tickets and send all their IDs as a list to a Rule.

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Yeah this is what I was thinking too but thought it might be worth a shot for him to try it.

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Thanks Kendesh, Emre and QMcKay, I’ll try to keep more on topic in future, sorry!

I’ll try QMcKay’s method first, that seems quickest, so the automation command name is bar order ready, can I basically add that to command name value, or should it be command name?

Also, does anyone know what the best way is to debug, so if I do something wrong I can see what is the right way to do it (with rules etc.)

Command Name Value is for the name of the Automation Command

Command Value is for any value you want to send with the Automation Command. In v4, the Ticket Id is automatically passed with the Lister Widget, so you can leave it blank - it is probably the same behavior in v3, but if not, try {TICKET ID} in that field.

The best way to debug is to put a parameterized Show Message Action in your Rule. So create an Action for it, and for the Message parameter, use something like [:messagetoshow]. Then in the Rule for Automation Command Executed, set the Constraint for the Rule to match the name of the Automation Command that you want to capture (Bar Order Ready), add the Show Message action to the Rule, and for the messagetoshow parameter, use this:


If successful, you show see the Ticket Id after TID:. Keep in mind the Ticket Id is not the same as the Ticket Number
 but you want the ID.

Great, thanks, both things worked! But if the ticket has no bar items, is it still supposed to display (albeit with a total of zero and no items), it works fine, but would be great if they didn’t show up?

Hi again,

Hope you had a good weekend.

One issue I’ve identified is that if you are running a cafe/coffee shop, obviously people will be paying when they place their order. This effectively means that their order isn’t sent to the display, is there anyway to overcome this?

Thanks again!

Sorry, that’s me being a bit dim, I assume all I do is remove the unpaid condition!

Sorry, in fact, that didn’t work, any ideas?

Add the state “Paid” to your display then on your screen any ticket that is paid should be displayed


I moved 10 posts to a new topic: Question about Courses

Hi again

And if I would like to add a new category, let’s say: Deserts? I did it in this way, and I can see three options: Bar, Kitchen, Deserts.

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