Setup Courses - different serving areas on same order.. with entity screens

order ready button i set rules to reopen update order ready and then close ticket .
so what happens now when i select order and hit order ready button it does not disapear it stays there on kitchen display.
can someone help me by telling me what is my options and where to look or how to fix this thx
can someone help me with this i got it working but i cant figure out how to make ticket go away on kitchen display .order ready rules have reopen and close

Check your kitchen display settings to make sure it has the correct states set for the display.

For example if it is set to display tickets with state ready then it will still show them

Can you show screenshot of your kitchen display settings

You may also need a refresh ticket action added as the last action in the rule you have shown above

kitchen display property editor state shows paid,unpaid.

thats why, your telling the kitchen screen to display all orders that are paid or unpaid so it will never clear it will display every ticket as all tickets will have a paid or unpaid state

I assume when you press order ready the customer has paid? So when you press this button you need to update paid state to something else such as order complete. Now the ticket wonā€™t have a paid or unpaid state, it will have am order complete state, and as that state isnā€™t listed in your kitchen screen setting the ticker will ā€˜disappearā€™ off this screen

EDIT or donā€™t mess with default States and create a new state that is applied when a ticket is created, something like ā€˜Incompleteā€™ then have the kitchen display setting set to only show the incomplete state and remove the paid and unpaid States from the settings. Then have the order ready button update the incomplete state to order ready state and when press the ticket will disappear from the display

hi ,studied this ,and few others ,i set my own but i cant get it right ,my setup is a quickserve where customer pays first. in my set up kitchen display state is pai unpaid .so when i hit order ready it stays on screen .so i am starting fresh and will be using this model as basis ,i need instruction how to do it please give as much goal to get u settings inputed in to a fresh database ,the only difrence my customer pays first .thx

All tickets will be paid or unpaid so of course it wonā€™t disappear. You need to create a state to track. So maybe try submitted state filter and when you press ready button it changes Submitted to Ready states.

You should try and understand states it will help you tremendously.

there is 3 kinds of state are we talking about ticket state?c this is where iā€™m confused its not that i have not read the material some of us are slow and some of these tutorials jump everywhere so it is hard for me ,i will eventually get it i dont know when but right now the state stuff is a bit dark i get there is entity state ticket state but implement or understanding how to do it from scratch on my own is still not possible for me .iā€™ll keep trying

ok so i need to creat a state called submited .i can do that .no problem after that i am still not sure what to do next ill try to figure out .

Kitchen screen tutorial explains how to setup states and how to setup the ticket lister. Did you not read that? This thread your posting in has the tutorial.

You seem to stubbornly not follow all of the tutorials exactly like they say. The tutorials work if you do exactly what they say. I mean itā€™s really very basic I donā€™t know how much more clear it could be.

Follow the tutorials do exactly what they say. Donā€™t try to understand it all yet. Donā€™t try to modify them yet. Implement them and they will teach you. Then try modifying etc.

yes i did but like i said i dont realy get and keep getting lost and confused .let me atart there and i will post back.

so did you forget to read part of it? It even has screenshots showing what to type in settings.

Hi @sevx007 I agree with @Jesse and think you are trying to get a POS system together in 1 day.
This is not how it works and you are filling up the forum with unnecessary questions.
It will take time to understand how it works, but once you get the grasp you will be one of our contributors.
The forum is happy to help you out, but there is no 1-2-3 manual how to configure this amazing POS software.
There are some pre build databases you can download and learn.
Take your time and ask questions if you really donā€™t know, else your requests will be ignored by the forum.

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Peter it is not 1 day , i had pos up 3 weeks ago 2 terminals and 1 server printers cash drawers working etc. since last 3 weeks i have working and trying to learn advance configuration. with a strong push last 8 days morning till 2 am iā€™m at my desk working on this i did not go to work nothing just working on this .my main database is looking good i got bunch of stuff working,4 days ago i started kitchen stuff i did not post anything for 2 days as i was reading etc experimenting with sample database ,if anything i answered a question ,last night i started asking and today ,as i made a kitchen display but it is not doing what i want .bottom line not sure why u thinking 1 day ,i am devoting alot of time to this and trying to learn it i have a problem with understanding what i read thats why it takes me so long its not that i did not read it few times ,i know if u read my questions i sound like one of the guys on these posts that just wants a working database and screw and not read or understand things ,well that is not the case here iā€™m trying to learn this and make my own thx .

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Good thing is the community is patient. Donā€™t worry about justifying yourself. Itā€™s fine. What we are trying to say is everything you have asked was due to a typo or you did not copy the tutorial like it said to. So take a deep breath and be sure you donā€™t miss anything.

You will get it and understand it. It took me 4-5 months before I finally grasped it. It was easy getting a basic system going it just took me a while to feel confident enough to implement new things.

i created new state called Incomplete state name status and type ticket type .
then went in to new order rule and added action update ticket status incomplete also there is another action there update ticket status .then updated kitchen setting removed unpaid and paid and put incomplete ,this did not work for me.this is my final task and its to be the hardest to figure out i guess.after this one i should be ok will worry about the rest later .my other choice is i have second dtabase going but with that one once order is paid it goes out on the kitchen display .at the moment i am still working on this one where the order ready button does not clear the screen i understood why it does not .
update got it working at 840 pm allset thank u for everyone who helped

Follow this tutorial 100% then try modifying it. Your trying to modify it before you even get it working.

just wanted to thank u for all u help and patience Kendash i completed it at 840pm earlier tonight that was the last not i put on there .yes it works basic register with kitchen display is enough till winter break ,taking a break from configuration now , gift cards time clock all can wait for now ,i will test it more ,test again on final pos finish menu and train for go live .so thank u

another topic i am looking for was start of day till count and end of day till count ,cash counting of till ,i did a search came out with one article and basically it is not supported it said ,what would be the right word to search for the cash till count ? or unless u or someone knows of a good write up on the matter .thank u

My post you found will work when V5 is released there is nothing similar in V4. I did attempt something with accounting for this but it was very long winded and compared to V5 setup it was no where near as good

It is also more complex setup in V5 so i suggest waiting a few week for V5 then :slight_smile: