[SOLVED] Try to Send email :-)

OK how you did that ???

Im sure there is an option somewhere to force two stage auth, check that.
Most email clients now show the google login when setting up an account, pretty sure its enabled by default.
Maybe kendash had his account before they defaulted it.

i’ll check it but my problem is Samba’s internal not gmail …
ckeck log file i post earlier

Ok I see where problem is… its the using Custom Field… one moment.

EDIT: Its that specific rule event.


{ENTITY DATA:Customer:Email Address}

Worked for me


{ENTITY DATA:Customers:Email Address} worked as well.

Its likely since your looking specifically for the event for Delivery Entity its not allowing it to see Customers Entity.

i changed it earlier and gave me error … let me change it again and i ll tell you in a min

Its probably the event. Do you have a customer assigned to that ticket? Can you show that whole ticket so we can see Entities?

yes of course, i have a customer with valid email address

Just humor me and show the entire ticket please.

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So did you change the Entity Type to be in your own language?


I dont see a Customer Entity on that ticket. I see Deliverer

what do you mean ? …

See how it says Customer: jesse parker

Unless thats the part you greyed out.

exactly is the part i grey out, sorry for that
here is another ticket, the customer is: Mr. Customer 2 :grinning:

Maybe try a different event. It works fine for me but that was when changing Customer Entity

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Use it as {ENTITY DATA:Customers:Email Address}

i change it emre with no luck