Good afternoon ! I have one problem with the service charge. I need remove automatically from some product service charge. For example i have 2 product: Salads and Hookah. Price salad $ 10 and the price of hookah 50.
Total should reach: (10 + (service charge 10% from salad)) + 50 hookah without service charge = 60.10
I found in the forum but did not understand.
I think you mean 61.00 right? %10 of 10.00 makes 1.00.
Tutorial you referenced shows applying service charge for whole ticket amount and unfortunately V4 does not support a method to apply order based service charge. If you want I can demonstrate how it can be done with V5.
I’ll be glad to hear if anyone knows if it is possible for V4 as there might be still “ways” to calculate it that I can’t remember atm.
Yes, I made a mistake.[quote=“sukasem, post:5, topic:8953”]
EDIT: I think it possible. It is the same idea. @Petya if you have database import tool you can easily import this automation.
I imported this file but it not worked