Stop selling out of stock items

Yes i agree plus with the various methods of adding orders in to a ticket means more checks
we need a better method to ensure we can lock the negative stock sales

You could in theory use similar sum in the button header.

Other than menu addition the +/- quantity would be the main issue other than custom automation.
Personally I’m moving away from +/- and having a single change quantity button with a prompt anyway.

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wish it was possible to hide the +/- buttons from the clerks

Pretty sure you can. It’s a setting somewhere.

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You can, it’s in user role options.
See my tutorial for custom +/- buttons which then allow you to add constraints etc.

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Thanks Gents that’s a mileage solved lots of issues.


Sorry for reviving a very old post, I have tried following up this post to set stock. I want to stop selling of negative stock from my set up. That’s means my stock level should never go below 0.
When I follow this post am list on the way, The actions associated with the set rules are not clearly defined. I would like to know the constraints inside the rules, so for those of you who have managed to set this rule kindly share your actions

Show us what you made so far.

If you read the post you would see that there is a perfect script to get what you need and original poster named everything that needs to be present for this to work.

Also as you can see that the name matches action that says Show Message in red.

The constraints are as follows

I am not in front of a computer to check my setup but replace {NAME} with [:MenuItemName]

When i change the [Name] to [MenuItemName] this is the error that am getting


Can you choose a topic and stick to it rather than spreading you one question across multiple topics.

That error is because you have created an action with a field name the same a default value in the rule.
When naming open fields in actions using [:xxx] it shouldnt be a rule variable, easiest way to be sure is to make sure it has a space as no rule variables do.
It wont let you anymore after issue was found that it results in it ignoring the value entered within the action in the rule and would directly take the relative variable from the rule.

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Am still not able where am getting this wrong, these are my expanded actions.

I have changed the constraints inside the actions so they do not match up with default parameters in the rule

So a few things to remember here. If it matches the constraint… if its greater than 0 and less than 5 it will still let you sell 150 of the item putting you below. However if its already below 0 or greater than 5 then it will not let you sell any. You should rethink how your building this.

You should change it so its constraining Order QTY to what is in stock So two constraints would be:

{QUANTITY} Greater {REPORT INVENTORY:[:MenuItemName]:BarWarehouse}

So if the quantity is greater than what you have in stock then you can execute the message and you can make it tell you how many are actually in stock to adjust your order.


When designing logic like this it is really important to slow down and sit back and think step by step what it is doing. And you have to remember it can not think so it only does what you tell it to do. All you told it to do was check if inventory is above 0 or below 5 and react to that but you never told it what to do to limit your ability to sell more than what is in stock.


Ive checked my setul - I am using Custom tag called Alert to name things I specifically want to keep track of.

{ITEM TAG:Alert} is what I use instead of [:MenuItemName]

Kindly demonstrate how you are doing this,i followed the post and found you had the same problem with your stock .Please let me kb=now how you went about it.