Switch Menus with FAST MENU

Great idea thank you.

Nice one, that’s a good shout, like it.

That’s nice, I could see where this will be REALLY useful.

Even in hospitality setup :smiley:

Thanks @Vasilios

This is going to work great for my early evening menu. Ive been looking all over the forum for something like this. Thanks you

Thanks for being bored!

I have something similar setup to this.
If the first item I add to the ticket is from any of the other menus (eg. Breakfast or Lunch from tutorial above) it switches back to the default menu(Main in tutorial) immediately.
If i go back to any of the other menus for second item it will stay on that menu.
It only switches back on the first item added.

Has anyone else experienced this or is it a configuration error on my end?

Do you use different ticket types?

I will be but I have just the one ticket type at the minute for testing

@Vasilios do you still use this setup?
Did you ever notice it switching back to default menu after adding 1st item?

Yea I still use the setup. I haven’t noticed what your seeing…

I also have it set up to start with different menus (ex. between 9-11 it loads directly to breakfast menu, 11-2 lunch menu and so on) so that might be why it doesn’t do that for me

Yes, i have this problem too.

I would hazzard a guess it is setting menu on ticket created event and thats why vasilios is not having the problem in guessing his menu by time is being set on ticket created event as so it probably is changing to default but then to the set menu based on time afterwards but too quick to see.

So on ticket created it resets to the departments default menu (if assigned) and ticket type default menu if no department menu assigned. So this should be happening on @Vasilios setup too.

Is it possible to override the menu switching on ticket creation. Or do I need to remove default menus and get creative with rules to assign the menus for me?

In some cases SambaPOS may activate Menu that assigned to Ticket Type so if you’re handling menus with Change Screen Menu action try disabling Ticket Type’s menu assignment by clicking X button next to menu selection combo box editor. Let me know if it solves your issue.

here is the menu setup I have its very simple.

I use the same change menu action as before

here is the rule

I have the menu switching working fine.
If the first item added is from my Item menu, It switches back to my main (default) menu.
After the ticket is created (first item added) it does not switch back. to my default menu

Think you missing whats tried to be said, its not 1st item added which is changing the menu its ticket created.
@Vasilios doesnt have this issue as he is switching menu on ticket created not before ticket created.
To confirm make a button to create ticket then;
create ticket,
change menu,
add item
if creating the ticket before changing menu means it doesnt change menu on item added it confirms this and then we can work arround that.

That’s what i meant

After the ticket is created (first item added)

As in the ticket is created after the 1st item is added. That is why it does not switch on subsequent orders.

I will have a play around with some automation to see if I can make it behave how I want it to.
I was hoping there was something simple I was missing.

No ticket will be created BEFORE item adding else whats it adding the order to? :slight_smile:

I believe the menu is being reset on ticket created not order added which is what i was trying to explain, creating ticket before adding the item will confirm this either way.

Ok technically that is the order things happen. I just meant that the ticket creation is initiated by adding the first item to the ticket.

I have added a create ticket action but It creates another problem for me. because it is a new ticket, I cannot open other tickets assigned to tables.

I think I am going to have to remove default menus from my departments and tickets and use some rules to reset the menu to my default on user login, ticket closing and the close ticket rule. Hopefully that will cover everything.