Tag for sale report

i have to search that tutorial i remember that also u gave me but it is like when i open click on table it will pop up to enter guest count.

Your probably using a ticket tag. Just need to know what tag it is.

this is the rule for person count i have name as guest count.

Ok so its Guest Count one moment …

So try this:

>Guest Count|Date|Total Sale|Vat|Grand Total
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:TT.Guest Count,O.Date,O.Total.Sum,O.Tax.Sum,([O.Total]+[O.Tax]).Sum:(TY=DELIVERY)}
>Total|{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.Total.Sum,O.Tax.Sum,([O.Total]+[O.Tax]).Sum:(TY=DELIVERY)}

no jesse the column is blank

You want a total # of guests? try TT.Guest Count.sum

no same it is blank column


NM Its ticket Type. In your rule for guest count DELIVERY is not one of the ticket types… so guest count is not on any tickets.

so what can i do for this

Do you want Guest Count for DELIVERY? Then add it to your rule and in the future you can get guest count… Right now you can do nothing about it since you were never recording guest count for DELIVERY.

no i dont need it for delivery

Why did you say you did then?

i am sorry in hurry i told

Well I quoted the wrong tag then. You should be able to see what I did and put it in the correct tag though.

ok i am checking just a moment and i am sorry to ask u wrong tags

Hi jesse when i add sum with TT.Guest Count.sum the report is blank.

when i remove sum from TT.Guest Count then report is not given total guest counts.

[Ground Floor:3,3,3,3,3,3]
>Date|ORDER COUNT|GUEST COUNT|Total Sale|Vat|Grand Total
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.Date,T.TicketNumber.count.Sum,TT.Guest Count.Sum,O.Total.Sum,O.Tax.Sum,([O.Total]+[O.Tax]).Sum:(TY=Ground Floor)}
>Total|{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:T.TicketNumber.count.Sum,TT.Guest Count.Sum,O.Total.Sum,O.Tax.Sum,([O.Total]+[O.Tax]).Sum:(TY=Ground Floor)}

You can’t do .count.sum on ticketnumber why did you do that?

becuase u see the dates it is breaking for one date many times.

So your using ORDER DETAILS and not TICKET DETAILS tag?