Hello everyone. when i put the ticket on hold it prints the price regular but when the customer comes to pay it prints with out change
for example if its 4.20 it prints it only 4.00 and if its 9.95 it prints it as 10
please help
Maybe share your template? No mind readers on forum.
now i am home.by template do u mean the ticket to take a photo? i will tell my colleague to take it or u mean template from inside the sambapos? i can take it from team viewer since i cant go back right now
Both so we can understand, best if you show screenshot of ticket printed, copy&paste of sambapos template and image out printed output.
ok i will call them now please be patient if it was like 30 minute because sure now its dinner time and will try to make it as quick as i can
this is ticket template
-- General layout
<T>Company Joker Pizza
Houtbriel 34
9100 Sint-Niklaas
<L00>Besteldatum:{TICKET DATE}
<L00>Bestelnr:{TICKET NO}
[<J10>Total Gift:|{ORDER STATE TOTAL:Gift}]
<J10>Total:|{TICKET TOTAL}
<C10>Dank u wel en tot weerziens
-- Default format for orders
-- Format for gifted orders
-- Nothing will print for void lines
-- Format for order tags
-- Table entity format
<L00>Table: {ENTITY NAME}
this is customer receipt templates
-- General layout
<J00>Balance:|{SOURCE BALANCE}
this is delivery template
-- General layout
<T>Company Joker Pizza
Houtbriel 34
9100 Sint-Niklaas
<L00>Besteldatum:{TICKET DATE}
<L00>Bestelnr:{TICKET NO}
[<J10>Total Gift:|{ORDER STATE TOTAL:Gift}]
<J10>Total:|{TICKET TOTAL}
<C10>Dank u wel en tot weerziens
-- Default format for orders
-- Format for gifted orders
-- Nothing will print for void lines
-- Format for order tags
-- Table entity format
<L00>Table: {ENTITY NAME}
-- Customer entity format
<J00>Klantgegevens: {ENTITY NAME}
and photos for the ticket
am really sorry that it took too much time
You must have a Rounding Transaction that is making that happen.
Settle -----All ----- cash
No rounding transaction pressed. or do u mean something else ?
There are several places where Rounding can be applied …
Show some Ticket Transactions so we can see what is happening during Payment…
Great thanks for that and it has to be 0 always?
i have checked the Rounding they r set as 0
here are transaction photos i hope that i did what u mean
why do u think its making that? and in some other tickets it rises the price up
Show some actual tickets. According to that you just sold something for 4.20 it is not showing us much. Show tax templates, etc. Show us it while in ticket screen.
Never mind. i just want to delete my account from here! most of your answers are weird u have to show that who ever asks for help does mistake instead of giving the steps that’s helps u to help others. its not only in my posts but in others also.
thanks for stopping by and as admin please delete my account!!
LOL you are asked to show more info because samba is a highly customisable system there are many was to do things and without understanding how you have setup your system (template and transactions types etc in your case) it would just be wild guesses…
These op[tions are not typically available in other POS software where its all hard coded and you are restricted to work to the way the software is programed.
BTW I don’t work for sambapos none of us do. I am just a member like you. I was trying to help you but I can’t because I don’t know what is causing your issue. You have to show us more about it so we can find the problem. We can not see your system.
I don’t think me asking to see samples so I can help you is weird, how else am I going to figure out what your issue is?
In the example screenshots you give, you have 2 tickets - #95 for 4.00 and #96 for 4.20. Your receipts photos you show is for ticket #120.
First question I would ask - did you experience this happening yourself or it is another staff member who has told you about it, or you found out later when checking tickets?
I would say most likely scenarios you have if you have checked all the rounding options and definitely do not have any rounding set, are:
- Change Price was used against the item on the ticket
- You may have duplicate items - check you don’t have 2 items called “Cream Cheese Jalapenos” - SambaPOS won’t allow this, but it will allow it if one has an extra space at the end.
- The ticket was re-opened after payment received and then the price was changed
EDIT: Having looked again at your receipt photos for ticket #120, the first is a “Print Bill” which shows 4.20, then the second is a “Payment Receipt” which shows 4.00. I would say it is most likely that point 1 above (price was changed using Change Price) is what happened. “Print Bill” was done, showing 4.20 total. Then “Unlock Ticket”, select item and “Change Price” to 4.00, then payment made.
The reason I asked about did you experience this yourself or are you checking later something your staff did is because this could potentially be employee fraud - print a ticket for 4.20, show customer, take 4.20 from customer, then amend ticket to 4.00, put 4.00 into cash drawer and put 0.20 into pocket. Small amount yes, but if happening all day it amounts to quite a bit of lost cash.
Please note I say this with all due respect, I am not accusing here, I am just saying a possible scenario which might be happening based on the information you provided.
i totally aware ur not working and trying to help. thanks for that. but i would rather ask the person what to post instead of showing him that he does something short. i didnt know from where to start i was waiting for suggestion what to upload or show. and again its not only because of this question i posted. its the way u deal with the answer always!!!
and the other guy instead of asking me to upload something if he wants to help he is just being sarcastic no mind reader in this forum.
thanks any ways
thanks for your answer. i am getting step by step with your post now…
i discovered it when i was showing a worker how to use it.
he works as deliverer and i showed him after the order just close ticket! and when u come back u will find it not paid yet incase the customer pays cash or credit! when close it gave me price and when settle to pay was another price
- i dont have duplicate items i have checked it out. this ticket which i sent was one of those i was testing to figure out what the problem is!
yea it was me my self. i remember also a pizza was 9.95 when ticket closed. when settle it turned to 10.00 which means it rises.
right now we settle direct with out close ticket to avoid the price changing. about the tax its another system ur not obligated to count it if ur restaurant works more with delivery. unless the customer ask for the tax ticket then its with a stamp! but the tax office will take the report of the POS thats why i cant print more test because its alreay working. we cant put it back to 0 and delete all tickets now its too late.
is there something inside the pos should i look for in your opinion? its really weird problem
wer using windows 7 is there something to do with the operating system?
i just dont know and i dont know what information shall i give in order to help u to figure out what the problem is just ask me what to upload and i will do or i will answer the questions
thanks a lot