Hi everyone, I’m setting up my ticket lister, is it possible to set up a widget that when I select a ticket from the list on the left shows me the list of order items? Thank you all
After several days, I succeeded, but I don’t think it’s the best method as it takes a long time to update. I created a second ticket lister with the filter in the status called “Preview”. then I created 1 rule that changes the status of the ticket when selected in the first lister.
Have you tried putting in a refresh widget action? Not sure if that will speed things up.
Your second ticket lister widget will need a name. Right click and choose Properties. Put the same name for both action and property widget name.
It may be faster if you used a Task widget and a print task action to print a template instead of using a 2nd ticket lister. Ticket lister can get expensive on resources.
This may give an idea.
Kitchen/Bar Display using Task Printer - separate displays for Food and Drink
thank you very much for the information
I’m studying the tutorial to understand how to display only the ticket I selected,
I don’t think I can filter the printjob by [:Ticket Id] but only by Tag.
I think now what slows down the preview, only the rules I set:
Load last ticket by local setting → remove state preview → close ticket → Load ticket selected → Change state to Preview → close ticket → and save the new one ticketId in local setting.
Is it possible to filter the printjob with the TicketId? thank you very much
I’ll send you a configuration you can modify. Here is a video of proof of concept. It’s not finished yet. Need to format the ticket lister to look good
Wow that looks awesome. Thank you so much
HI @Jesse am lookign this for ages am very thankful if you can share thank you
I need to finish it. I just created it with idea I saw today. I’ll work on it tonight and post it.
OK I have completed this first version. Here is a look at it. It was fairly complex to setup so give me some time to package it up and ill share a database tools file for this.
Ok you can use this but you will need to modify it. Maybe if i get time i will turn it into a configuration task
receipts.txt.zip (4.3 KB)
Excellent, it works very well, how can I implement it? Sorry but I don’t know much about programming
No programming was done for this. I just configured Sambapos features. You can import that file I shared using database tools in settings.
I too am not a developer and I dabble and understand it because I’m curious but I do not know how to code. I just spent time learning SambaPOS. I recommend you studying rules and actions and entity screens. You can do some cool things with a little learning curve.
can you do a video of the complete setup to guide us.?
managed the configuration task?
It’s been a while, but I solved it like this, not very responsive, but it works well.
1- I created a task type “Anteprima” Preview
2- Set Command Name in Ticket Lister
3- Set Task Editor Setting
Set Task Editor Properties : set a Widget Name
4- Set Printer
-- General layout
++Ordine No:{TICKET NO}
<size 30>{TICKET STATE:Ordine} {ENTITY NAME:Orario}</size>
<size 20></size>
[<J10>Total Gift:|{ORDER STATE TOTAL:Gift}]
<size 20></size>
<size 28><bold>Totale: €{TICKET TOTAL}</bold></size>
[ORDERS GROUP|PRODUCT TAG:Gruppo:Pizza,Calzoni,Fritti,Calzoni Fritti,Panini,Piadina,Wrap,Bevande,Varie]
<bold>- {GROUP KEY} - </bold>
-- Default format for orders
<size 20>- {QUANTITY} {NAME} {TOTAL AMOUNT} </size>
-- Format for gifted orders
-- Nothing will print for void lines
-- Format for order tags
<size 16> * {ORDER TAG NAME} {ORDER TAG PRICE} </size>
-- Table entity format
<L00>Table: {ENTITY NAME}
-- Customer entity format
5- Create Rule and Action