Uncovering the mystery of Custom Layouts?

Can anyone point me in the right direction with how to use the Layout Feature for custom Entity screens?

Here is a simple task required below, just require the new command button to overlay the Search Widget:

I would really love to understand how to use this properly!
Any links greatly appreciated…

Layout feature is nice @emre, but how do you use it…?

Add 2 widgets, it will stack on top of each other than drag one on to the top of the other and will will be side by side. You won’t see cursor change to hand when you drag it but it works. But I don’t think you can overlay tho.

View Mode “Custom” will allow overlaying Widgets on top of other Widgets, and Widgets have a Z-index parameter in Properties to control the “stacking order”.

View Mode “Layout” I don’t think allows for that… at least, I have not figured out if or how it might be possible. Would be nice if it could be done.

Umm yes “Layout” is soo much easier as it fills the entire screen and also adjusts seamlessly to screen sizing.

I always struggle to build screens in “Custom” as immediately you have the left and right margins "jacked’ in to loose 20% of screen real estate on either side.

Unfortunately for your question, you cant just add a new button for that. What you can do however is remove all 3 buttons from that search widget and separately add 3 new command buttons on the side of it. So for Me I had to do this:

. I didn’t want staff editing entities as they could change details Like ID which would break the ID Cards my entities have.
So I had to design an AskQuestion GUI to allow creating a New Student, like this

I similary had another button once the entity has loaded to allow the entity to be edited.