Use without payment automatically.

Good day. At our work, each worker has an ID card, they pass through the turnstile to work using the ID card. The ID card is 10 digits. In the canteen there is a monoblock, xprinter and RFID windows usb reader. The task is such a worker comes to the canteen, puts his ID card on the RFID reader, chooses breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) and the printer prints. Is it possible to do this task?
No menu and payment are needed, breakfast, lunch, dinner and late supper should be on the screen. The report should show the worker how many times per month he had breakfast, lunch, etc.

I don’t see why it couldn’t with proper automation and reporting set up. It’s outside of the normal flow for an “out-of-box” Installation but I do something similar to that. We are a private club so our members scan their rfid card at the door to get in, then again at the bar to open their tab. It’s not self service but the POS screen could modified by using Ricks Retail Setup to make it pretty close if not exactly what you’re needing.