What happened to GraphQL guide?

The Guide @ https://forum.sambapos.com/t/integrators-graphql-api-guide/14047/3

Is this removed or has it been moved somewhere else?


It will be back we will give more details soon.

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I see some changes in the new SambaPOS for the GQL API… and after looking over the forum, there is not much update on what happened to this?
But I see on the Cp, there is a new Item as API User License… Can you give more information on that? or a proper documentation on whats available under the API User License?


They haven’t quite finished the documentation for the API yet. Basically we need to sit tight until that is available.

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How long it takes 1, 2 weeks?

GraphQL is a paid module. Any location that you wish to use Graphql will need to purchase a license. The license is available in the cp store.

Do you know how developers can access Graphql using an un-registered db?

We are still designing and building the developer portal.

Hi, I just bought the GraphQL API license.
However I cannot find a documention guide on how to use it

Would appreciate if anybody can help link me to the documentation
Thank you

Please email support@sambapos.com and include your license email you bought it from.

Already resolved
Thank you