I have managed to make pop-up appear everytime when phone rings, but it is working pretty weird.
Sometimes its show the number, sometimes not, always appears two pop-ups, one with date, one with number.
Any idea?
thank you
I have managed to make pop-up appear everytime when phone rings, but it is working pretty weird.
Sometimes its show the number, sometimes not, always appears two pop-ups, one with date, one with number.
Any idea?
thank you
Anyone? Please?
Spent another day trying to figure out how to make caller number appear in pop-up box correctly, still no luck.
As before, two pop-us appearing, one with date, and one with caller number, and sometimes instead of caller number just appears order ID.
Would appreciate any help if possible.
Thank you
How did you configure the customer fields?
Below link shows how i have configured fileds
I would love to go ahead and try your solution. however I have new problem now…
In the management menu, there is no single options showed now.
I don’t know how it happened and why. Any suggestions please?
Have you tried closing SambaPOS and then reload it again?
Yes I did. Restarted Samba, restarted PC, reinstalled Samba as well to the newer version. However, still same problem.
Just to mention, there was no any new software installed on the PC.
It was fine yesterday, when I was working with it. Then I switched off PC, started it today in the morning, and this is what is happening now.
Any ideas more? Maybe some config file need to be looked at?
Thank you
Menu Issue Sorted as far as I can see.
Moved to Desktop folder “SambaPOS4” located in the My Documents folder. After restarting Samba, it have created new folder with the same name, however some files are missing in this folder. Particularly this files: CollectionSort.txt, log.txt, SambaPOS4.sdf. Not sure if they are needed, because POS is working fine for now.
Will try now that solution about custom fields and will let know how it went.
Small offtopic, how do I remove some entities? When I try to do it, it just saying:
“Cannot remove entity because it is used by Ticket”. Can’t figure out how to finally delete it.
And another question is, how do I get access to my database which is used in samba? Is there is some option to manually edit database?
Thank you
After Deleting this folder, Samba have uninstalled all the modules from marketplace. Installing Caller-ID module and restarting samba, bring me same problem again. Menu is empty. Tried again to delete folder, and start it again, menu was on place, however after installing caller-id, menu have dissapeared again. Any suggestions please?
Thank you
Download 4.1.64 and try again.
You cannot safely delete Entities which were selected/assigned to a Ticket in the past, but you should be able to rename them. If you’re still in setup/development mode, you could clear the DB Transactions, Tickets, etc. using SQL script and it should then allow you to delete Entities.
Which DB are you running? SQLExpress, Local, CE? You need the proper Query Tools for each…
WARNING: this will delete all Transactions, Tickets, Orders, etc and is irreversible, short of restoring a backup:
USE [SambaPOS4]
DELETE FROM [TicketEntities];
DELETE FROM [Tickets];
DELETE FROM [AccountTransactionDocuments];
DELETE FROM [AccountTransactions];
DELETE FROM [AccountTransactionValues];
DELETE FROM [Calculations];
DELETE FROM [CostItems];
DELETE FROM [InventoryTransactionDocuments];
DELETE FROM [InventoryTransactions];
DELETE FROM [PaidItems];
DELETE FROM [PeriodicConsumptionItems];
DELETE FROM [PeriodicConsumptions];
DELETE FROM [ProductTimerValues];
DELETE FROM [Payments];
DELETE FROM [WarehouseConsumptions];
DELETE FROM [WorkPeriods];
UPDATE [Numerators] SET Number = 0;
UPDATE [EntityStateValues] SET EntityStates = '[{"S":"Available","SN":"Status"}]' Where EntityStates like '%Status%';
I have to state we allow that to correct typing errors.
Renaming entities to a different entity is not recommended
Deleted all files “Generic Modem_****.txt” from Samba Data folder located in ProgramData. This fixed my issue completely, there was like 50 files with different setting which have left there possibly after trying to fix Caller ID issue.
Now it is working, well, at least caller ID is there, and I can manage my settings again.
However, problem with incorrect display of phone number in the pop-up window and second (unneeded) pop-up with data and time have still left…
Thank you all for the help.
On the screenshot you can see that there is first pop-up showing data+time, and second one showing phone call in SEQUENCE, not number which is calling.
Would appreciate help with this one please.
Thank you all
We need to see your putty output for that phone number (to understand how it formatted) and your match pattern to be able to find correct match pattern for your modem.
Hello, Thank you for your information.
As far as I’m concerned, I’m using Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0.
I have almost zero knowledge on how to work with databases.
I have renamed those entities already, however it didn’t fix the issues for me, I need to get rid of them.
How do I process this SQL script? Which Query Tool I shall use?
There is no problem to clear all transactions, as there is only test ones, unless I fix the called-id feature.
How do I also can see saved customers in case I need to delete one, or edit it?
Because I couldn’t find this option nowhere, however I think this is critical.
For example, I have saved my own mobile number as a customer, just by giving random names in the address/mobile/etc… fields (something like dfadsfewq). And now, everytime when I call from my mobile to test Caller-ID, it appears this random info in customer field, and even if I change it prior to take test order, it still comes on the printed ticket with first random data given:
Customer: dfasdfasdfweq Phone: 21312312323
Mobile: 12312
Address: fdsdfsdf
Ticket Number: 17
So I would gladly appreciate more detailed information, on how to clear the database from all previous entries, only by leaving in it my POS menu with all of it content.
Thank you
Thank you
Here is output from the putty screen.
And this is the match pattern I’m using now:
Thank you
There are a few different Query Tools for CE; for example, search for SQL Compact Query Analyzer.
Clearing transactions with the script I provided will still leave all your Entities, Products, Menus intact so you don’t need to re-create them.
I’m not sure what you are referring to here. Customers are a type of Entity…
Main Menu > Manage > Entities > Entities
So what is 1003152
popup on your previous screenshot? Is it data+time?
Yes, It is
10 - “month”
03 - “day”
15 - “hours”
2* - “minutes”
@emre pls find attached screen shot of putty as I tried strings, pattern no luck for me
Any member I need help setup cid
You can refer to below.