Cashup Screen sambapos v5

I see no math being done. Either you missed something or your showing wrong rule or both.

I see total being added but not math for you individual settings.

so you need to put in constraint?

Expand all your Actions. The first Action in that Rule is the important one regarding setting the value for the denomination.

Look at this …

Now let’s take a closer look at this Action:

CountName: [='USDcount' + TN('[:AutomationCommandName]'.substr(17,3))]
count: [=[:CommandValue] * TN('[:AutomationCommandName]'.substr(17,3))]

So if our Automation Command Name is CO Set USD Count 20 and we perform the substr(17,3) method on it …

CO Set USD Count 20

Starting at position 17, the value is “2”.

Starting at position 17, and grabbing 3 characters, the value is “20_” (underscore representing a space, or null/nothing)

So when we put this together:

[='USDcount' + TN('[:AutomationCommandName]'.substr(17,3))]

We get this:


In your case, the Command Name you are passing is:

CO Set GBP Count 0.05

So starting at position 17 and grabbing 3 characters, you get “0.0

How do you fix this for your needs?

Everywhere you see substr(17,3), change it to substr(17,4)

Then you get this:

CO Set GBP Count 0.05

Which when starting at position 17 and grabbing 4 characters, you have “0.05

You need to do the same for CountName and count

count: [=[:CommandValue] * TN('[:AutomationCommandName]'.substr(17,3))]

[:CommandValue] will contain the number you entered into the Editor Widget, for example “3”

We already determined that the substr(17,3) method gives: “20”.

So we end up with:

count: [=3 * 20]

So finally, we are storing the value 60 in the Program Setting named USDcount20

For your system, you would use this:

CountName: [='GBPcount' + TN('[:AutomationCommandName]'.substr(17,4))]
count: [=[:CommandValue] * TN('[:AutomationCommandName]'.substr(17,4))]

So when you enter “3” into the Editor Widget…

CountName becomes: GBPcount0.05
count becomes: [=3 * 0.05]

So you are storing the value 0.15 in the Program Setting named GBPcount0.05

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what i need to do change it.?

so what do i need to put in it?

done it. thanks how do i add pretty cash?


im try to get rid off workperiods tab from entity screen when i changed it it wont allow me to on the workperiod from the main menu

You have changed the Workperiod Entity Screen to a Tables Entity Type. Change it back to a Workperiods Entity Type.

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still come up

Crop your screenshots :stuck_out_tongue:

Use windows ‘Snipping Tool’ rather than print screen, makes it much more easier to read and don’t have to open each image and zoom in.

Have you tried logging out and back in to be sure?

i did log out or do you mean exit the program?

Try both to be sure…

i did both nothing happen

Yes, please!

I have limited bandwidth here and your screenshots are too large, so I will not open them.

Your shots are 3 MB, while the ones that I post are 15 KB

This should not have anything to do with your issue, but check this action anyway…

even thou i did that still not working

Out of curiosity, show your Ticket Type …

Why do you have a Workperiods Ticket Type? You don’t need that, and you should delete it.

Well… Well… I am not very… LOL!!! just kidding!! just kidding!!!
