Cashup Screen sambapos v5

i have deleted it…

what shall i do next and nothing happen

Show your Tables Entity Type and Tables Entity Screen.

i don’t have tables entity type and i have tables entity screen

is it located in my tickets?

Your screenshot clearly shows table screen and the other table entity type!!!

what do mean i have table entity type

Can’t do pictures from phone, your ticket type screenshot shows a tables entity type and your last post said you don’t have table entity type!!!

Your reply to q 2hrs ago requesting showingticket type

so i have to make table entity type?

You have table entity type… That’s what I’m saying.

do i have to deleted that in my ticket entity

Ok, sorry but shouldn’t have but in, sence a language barrier and am of four for the evening.

My point was you stated you did not have a table entity type but your screenshot clearly shows that you do!!!
This type of uncertainty makes it very hard to help you.

so i know i have table entity which is in my ticket type and i have deleted my workperiods from my ticket type what do i need to do next

It wasn’t that having table entity type was the problem it was that you said you don’t have table entity type when you do.

An entity screen is set to an entity type who’s mapping shows a botton to select.

It’s hard to help when communication is so challenging.

how do you link the counting onto report?

i’m still figure out how to rid of the tab

Look at the Cashout Count Report that is included in the Import File. It shows how to access the Counts values… they are stored in Program Settings ({SETTING:X})…

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program setting??? im on my program setting nothing there

Program setting table in SQL? There would be something there as other parts of hard coded samba have values in the table.