Cashup Screen sambapos v5

do i have do for individual for the note and coins?

You are way in over your head right now. I highly recommending you try reading and practicing other tutorials first.


i make this show my worker easy understand when printing it out and putting in the accountants book

fix everything all i need to fix this problems and i’m really stuck.

have create another rules

the only things if i put all coins and note adding up its doesnt work

You need to show what doesn’t work. A screenshot of all of your Rules does not help much. Need to see what each Rule does, or at least show the Rule that “doesn’t work”

This is not a valid way to access a Setting …


This is the proper way…


In fact, this entire line is completely wrong in more than one way …

[='50count' TN('[SETTING:50count50.00]'.substr(17,3))]
           |    ^----- not valid ----^         || | 
missing operator (+)                values probably incorrect

[=‘50count’ TN(’[SETTING:50count50.00]’.substr(17,3))]
| ^----- not valid ----^ || |
missing operator (+) values probably incorrect

what do i need to

You need to use valid syntax, proper operators, and suitable values for substr(x,y) that fit your needs.

I’ll remind you that the task when you imported it used valid syntax so you should go back and learn from that.


shall i change it back is usd?? i just want it to count one coin

i just want it to count one coins.

Take the time to understand the syntax then do whatever you want. Your changing syntax for no reason.


@mavericks sorry to butt in but if you have just one currency and for UK, why are you not just using RickH’s setup?

Just setup his database linked earlier separately, take a bit of time to study it and extract the necessary parts using Database Tools.

how to put that file in it…? i did that nothing happen

is this right?

Probably not. The substr() probably has the wrong numbers for your need. It depends on the Command Name being called from the Widget. I explained this already. Go back up and read it.

Click the up arrow on the top right of this quote to jump there …

that’s screen doesn’t come up on my screen

Which screen, you might want to elaborate.
This whole setup is custom, have you replicated?

Rick one and I download his file and upload it to my sambapos