Collection/delivery/in store help

I have a pizza shop client and my client works as delivery, collection and in store. When he receives a phone call, he wants to enter the order in the following steps;

1- enter customer orders
2-specify collection order, delivery order or in store order
3- If it is collection order; collection time selection and print receipt
If delivery will be made; Write the address record and delivery time to the number coming from the caller ID.
What kind of system can we create like this?

If you dont want to customize too much and keep it simple.

  1. ) Select Entity (use entities to select Dine In, Takeaway, Delivery etc.)
  2. ) Enter customer orders
  3. ) If Takeaway order, you can simply use ticket tag to say 30 mins
  4. ) Use the same as feature ticket tag from step 3, but for address

Some basic customization will be needed but its possible. Or you can go into full customization like here. Though keep in mind there is a lot of SambaPOS features to learn to do this.

This is exactly what I want but how do I do it?

How do you do which part?

He needs a step-by-step instruction. Most of us who know how to run a business but haven’t been trained to write sophisticated routines for Sambapos need full instruction rather than hints.

I would suggest he find a reseller and purchase their support package. Business owners understand the cost of service and support. This is a community and people here love to help others and they do it all the time but sometimes the business owner may need a little more help. Paying a reseller is a great way to get dedicated help for your business and it helps support SambaPOS as we want resellers so we can continue doing what we do.

@posflow is a very talented and professional SambaPOS reseller he gives free advice all the time but If you were to pay for his services I am 100% sure he would build exactly what you need and you would be very happy with his services.


Thanks, Jesse, that is very clear. I’ve never seen the service advertised.