How to use customer screen in kiosk (full screen mode with edge)

How to use customer screen in kiosk (full screen mode with edge) in W11

In W10 we had explorer but in W11 it isnt supported anymore.

Edge wont start in kiosk mode automatically or did I lose something?

Already created a solution:

  1. download this bat file
  2. Add a Start proces action in Application started trigger in sambapos inwhich you start the this bat file.
  3. Scream loudly Great Job OrangePOS!
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A bit of background for those looking for this issue and solution:

Most major browsers have now disabled the user’s ability to start a browser window in kiosk mode due to high security implications. There are few workarounds, one of them is the batch file attached by Gurkan above.

For those who’d be unable to download an executable batch .bat file (also a security measure), they can create one themselves and the contents of the file above is:

@echo off
taskkill.exe /f /im msedge.exe
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --kiosk

There is no need for these transactions. This problem has been resolved much more simply in the new version. Please check the link below.

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