Is there a way to hide report tile from start screen?

Hi again guys. I wonder is there a way to hide a report tile form the start screen ? Or something that i can do to hide the reports.

You can restrict access to it via user roles

Yeah i saw that, but i want to compleatly hide it from there.

There is not a way to hide it from that screen. So I can understand what you are trying to do. Why are you wanting to hide it? Sometimes if we know your plan we can uncover other methods to acheive it.

I want to hide it to prevent other people reaching the data if i dont want them to do that. In fact prevent them knowing for that feature of the program.

There is no hiding per user feature but you can try deleting Samba.Modules.BasicReports.dll to hide it from all users.

ps: don’t try it for other dll’s :slight_smile:

Yeah great it works this way. I have a final question if i put back the .dll at the end of the day, or week is there a chance to see the reports ? Or there will be a problem ? Thanks for the help it is rly nice software iam glad that i found it.

If you put it back and restart SambaPOS it will come back.

And the reports saved while the .dll was deleated will be there ?

I never would have thought to try that haha. @draid you can also make it so your users cannot access main menu at all. They would just have access to POS and would not be able to see Main Menu. Just wanted to point that out in case you did not know that.

Reports saved? If you mean saving reports to files by Save Report action of course it won’t work. Better create your backups, try it and see yourself what will happen :slight_smile:

btw, @Jesse’s suggestion is also a good idea. It can be done by disabling Navigation Screen permission.

I mean the reports that are saved in report section. When i delete the .dll the tile for the reprots dissapears, but is the reports still work correct. I mean when i delete the .dll, make some tickets, then at the end of the day i put back the .dll can i check the reprots from that day. I hope u understandd what i mean.

I’ll try it.

IT sounds like using Roles and creating users that do not have access to main menu would serve your needs more efficiently. That is a lot of work just for preventing someone from seeing a report. If you feel they need access to main menu for some reason you can just disable the ability for them to click on Reports button. Even tho they would see the button on the screen they would have ZERO ability to actually access any reports or view them.

Personally I only allow my employees to see and operate the POS screen. In the case that my employee needs to pull up a previous ticket I allow them to view the ticket viewer from a custom entity screen and it is mapped to its own department. This allows them to view tickets without having to navigate to Ticket Explorer using main menu. They simply click on Ticket Explorer department button.

Yes that is one option. I dont want to prevent employees to see the reports. I want to prevent other people to know that there is such option in the program even if they demand to log in with administrator acc. In some case of audit for example.

Ok now it makes more sense why you want to do this. I was struggling with why you would want this.

But now i foud that there is information about sales in Account and Ticket section …

I am really not sure why you are trying to do what you are describing… it sounds almost illegal… I do not know what your laws are there… but that is something I do not think any POS is going to support natively. YOu will find it difficult to do that.

EDIT: To be honest what you are describing sounds like a POS solution is the last thing you would want. POS is designed most importantly to automate the business and track those very things you trying to hide.

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I dont want to disable those functions i just want to hide them. Its not illegal, after all u have a cash register for all sales.

I guess I am still struggling with the logic behind why you are wanting this. It sounds counter productive I can not think of a good reason to hide all of that in the manor your describing. I would want it hidden from employees which you can do…and that makes sense… but you said Even if they demand logging in as administrator… that sounds strange to me.

Who do you not wanting the ability to see your data? If its employees or customers you can simply say No I will not log in as administrator for you. If its a government official then they are doing it for a purpose and if you are hiding information from that purpose then that sounds illegal.

I could be completely wrong… can you help us understand your process completely of why you want this feature

PS I am not accusing you of doing anything illegal… I do “under the table” stuff for some of my employees sometimes myself… every small business owner weighs that. But what you are describing is a little different.

If its under the table type stuff… and you do not want to have risk of audit… then I would exclude it from the POS completely. It gets complicated when you automate your business and then try to mix things like this in.

LoL @draid if it is the case I don’t think they’ll believe “your POS don’t have reports” and leave your computer stuff there :slight_smile: At least in our country …