Kitchen Display Setup

OOOO, bad luck, jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjaja
I will try to implement this in my setup, since it is REALLY NICE and woulb give it great use.

Question… is there any tuto about widgets? I was trying to use ENTITY GRID, but the only thing it get is a line of dots…



@JohnS, point me to right direction…
I have tried to configure manually as a test run before configuring it onto my live setup,
the issue I’m having is that kitchen tickets is not displayed under kitchen screen


@morshed1, can you please post a screen shot of one of the tickets for an orange table.

any chance to combine the customer ticket screen with the kitchen?

or may have the unread count on the tab would be great also

Why would you want to combine Customer Tickets and Kitchen screen, the kitchen screen shows all tickets to be prepared. Combining Tables and Customers or another screen for Ready orders would be more helpful I think.

Why would you need an Unread Count?

i am planning to have one tablet in kitchen which always show the kitchen screen.
if there’s some take away, i need some signal to our chef either by unread count on top of the customer ticket or just combined it with the kitchen entity to be in queue.

yea would be good if can combining tables and customers on another screen for ready orders as well would be great

All orders either for a table or customer will show in the Kitchen Screen.

I’ll have to check if no customer or table is selected what will happen.

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@JohnS, please see the screen capture of M17 table.

When you close a ticket with new orders, the Ticket Status should change to Waiting. Check your Ticket Closing Rule.
It should have an Action to Update Ticket Status from New Orders to Waiting

Hi, I would like to know if this Kitchen Display configuration could function in Version 3.
I noticed “The Kitchen Database was made on 4.1.17”

I would like a kitchen display in a multi-language system.

Any chance?

Thank you!

Very good question. In theory we should be able to as we are only changing ticket and item states and using a Ticket lister widget with an Automation Command button.

I will set it up for V3 and test.

Is there a way to not let out the whole order but only a group of products
example only appetizers or drinks?

I’m looking at redesigning the Kitchen Display with more functionality and ability to handle courses.

When I first created it, it was to prove that it could be done, so it was basic and straight forward.

Once I get past my current project, I will have more time to focus on it.

Attached is a V3.0.34 database (SQL Express 2012) setup with Kitchen Display.
Setup V3.0.34 on a new system and copy over the database. You may need to stop SQL Server (SAMBAPOS) in services.msc to copy the database into C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SAMBAPOS\MSSQL\DATA folder. (963.4 KB)

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It is work, cool!!!
Thanks millioms!

@JohnS, is there any chance to have kitchen display setup exported with database tools?




Please find attached the Kitchen Display Setup export.

*** Install into a test database to make sure everything runs OK first. (2.2 KB)


I really appreciate it!!


@JohnS, I am implementing in training mode “kitchen display”. Is there any simple way to show in “Pizzaria” pizzarias´s orders and in “Restaurante” restaurante´s orders?

So far I can see both orders in boths entities screens…



What is the exact name of your departments?