[New 4.1.13] Reprinting Tickets

###When Reprinting needed?
There might be a lot of reasons. Waiter may drop ticket somewhere or printer may run out paper. For different reasons we might need reprinting orders to kitchen. On this tutorial I’ll show how to reprint for kitchen but same idea will also work for other print types such as bill printing.

I’ll create a new action for executing Print Orders to Kitchen Printer print job. If you are familiar with default actions you’ll remember we already have same action but since that action only prints new orders I’ll create another one. Please notice this action does not have any state filter.

I’ll create an Automation Command because I need a button in ticket to execute this action. I want to label button as Reprint Kitchen but I’m using \r separator to wrap button caption. Sorry for the weird naming. You can label button as you wish.

I need to switch to the Mappings screen to configure how this button appears on ticket. I’ve added a mapping row and mapped this button to Ticket. I also changed Visible State of the button to Unpaid so this button appears only if ticket state is Unpaid.

Finally I’ll create a rule to execute “Reprint Kitchen” action when I click “Reprint Kitchen” button.

When Reprint Kitchen Orders command executes this rule runs Reprint Kitchen Orders Print Job.

Finally we need to switch to mappings screen and map this rule to all departments.

Great! Now let’s see how it works.


I’ll create a new ticket. For new tickets I don’t see Reprint Kitchen button.

When I reopen ticket Reprint Kitchen button appears because Ticket State is Unpaid now. If you want to always see this button you can change Visibility State to * (star) on Automation Command Mapping screen.

Clicking reprint button will reprint ticket to kitchen.

###We have a problem?

Yes as you’ve noticed it prints whole ticket. So if I receive additional orders and reprint ticket all orders sends to kitchen. For example:

I’ve added two beverages.

And reprinted…

In fact last two lines are actual orders but since whole ticket reprinted that may confuse kitchen chef.


As always SambaPOS offers more than one solution. For example you can track last printed orders by using order states but I’ll show you another simple solution. We can click on order lines to select orders we want to print to kitchen printer.

Let’s select last two rows…

Since we mapped Reprint button to ticket button disappears when we select orders. To solve that we’ll add another mapping to automation command.

I’ve added second mapping row and mapped button to Order Line. So this button also appears for selected order lines.

So Reprint Kitchen button appears when I select orders.

… and it prints only selected orders.

Thank you for reading.


Superb documentation.

Can you do this if you needed to reprint a receipt

Hello. On first step change Reprint Kitchen Orders action to start ticket printing. For example you can set Print Job Name to Print Bill.

@emre, this works brilliantly, but I notice that if two or more items are selected for reprint, then it will print out 2 or more copies of the same.

For example:

First order:

Toasted Bagel Jam
Bacon and Tomato

Second order:

Toast and Jam
Toasted Bagel jam

If I select the two last items, and press reprint, it will print to kitchen twice:

Toast and Jam
Toasted Bagel jam

Toast and Jam
Toasted Bagel jam

If I select three items, then it will print out three copies etc etc.

Bacon and Tomato
Toast and Jam
Toasted Bagel jam

Bacon and Tomato
Toast and Jam
Toasted Bagel jam

Bacon and Tomato
Toast and Jam
Toasted Bagel jam

Is there a setting which needs to be changed? Thanks!

Correct… this is happening to me too… if you select one item one print comes out, if you select 2 items 2 copies comes out…



What does the Printer Template look like?

hi @QMcKay

[<T>{ENTITY NAME:Tables Pizzaria}]
[<C00>{ENTITY NAME:Customer}]

[<C00>{TICKET TAG:Viagem}
Pessoas: {TICKET TAG:Pessoas}
Garçon: {TICKET TAG:Garçon Pizzaria}

<J00>Hora: {TIME}|Ticket: {TICKET NO}



-- Format for order tags
<L00>     * {ORDER TAG NAME}



Sorry, my mistake, I was actually curious about the Print Job settings.

I have 2 print Jobs - one for printing the whole Ticket, and one for printing selected lines…

OK!! I have only one with all lines, but that means that I should have two buttons and decide myself which one to press… would it be nice that one solves both situations… since the reprint all works with selected lines also.



My complete setup…

::::: Print ALL Lines :::::

Print Job:

Automation Command:



::::: Print INDIVIDUAL Lines :::::

Print Job:

Automation Command:



Operational Flow:

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I was thinking, and in my case, I dont need to print the whole ticket in the kitchen, so I will change the ALL to LAST LINES TO KITCHEN PRINTER and use only one button!!



Thanks guys! But I’ve followed the steps exactly, but the printer still prints two copies when two items are selected. Where else can I be going wrong?

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Hello. I’ve added a setting to Automation Commands to solve such issues.






Look forward to the release.