Odd issue with Samba 5.2.20 not opening

Solution for me was to uninstall, delete the samba polder in program files and documents after uninstall and then reinstall

Just installing new beta release, if that doesnā€™t work Iā€™ll try what you did :grinning:

Not worked so Iā€™ll delete and retry

beta didnt resolve for me.
I did also uninstall latest update and reinstall .net4.7.2 however that along didnt resolve and not sure if it was a required step. Deleting folders was last thing I did before got it working again.

Deleted everything, already had latest version of .net installed. It still wonā€™t open

Hidden program data folder too?

Damn forgot about that one, Iā€™ll delete all and try again lol

Still not working when I have task manager open and I try to run samba it appears in task manager for a couple of seconds and they in the status column next to it it says suspended and the it seems task manager closes it and stops it from opening, any ideas?

Check event logs and see if error is similar?

What version of windows? Did you try 5.2.21 beta?

Windows 10 pro Iā€™ll check .21 again now

He released a version of 5.2.21 today.

I tried it before I deleted everything and reinstalled and it didnā€™t work either, Iā€™ll try it again now

5.2.21 has same issue, click icon to run, in task manager it appears and then says suspended next to it, then it disappears off task manager as if it is being blocked from running

ive no idea what is causing it to be suspended

So apparently that is a known issue with a recent update in windows 10. There are no clear solutions yet though. Some mention restarting windows explorer some say it could be a corrupt user profile.

Yea I saw that about restarting explorer, that didnā€™t work either

You can try rollback to older version then update it again. That worked for me.

Roleback didnt work for me, or the update installed again before i had realised. I uninstalled the update iteself.

Yours is a different issue though. his is mentioned specifically. I am talking about apps showing as suspended. Its happening to other people with other apps after a windows 10 update.

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My last update was version 1803 on 20th March which is around when I started having issues

Looking at the options in windows update thereā€™s an uninstall updates link where you select and uninstall, is it as easy as just selecting that update and uninstalling it? Iā€™ve never needed to remove an update before