Here’s what it will look like
Here are the steps to achieve it
Create an “Update Application Subtitle” action as below
Create a second “Update Application Subtitle” action as below, this will be used to clear the header after the ticket is closed, otherwise when you start the POS the previous sales details will be shown until you add an order to the ticket. (You could also probably use 1 action with variables and define them in the rule instead of using 2 separate actions)
Create a “Ticket Total Changed” rule as below
In the title field these are the settings to enter for the header to look like mine from the first screenshot i posted
<font Calibri><block 0,0,0,0 #FF4BACC6 center 600><size 70>Total: £[=F('{REMAINING TOTAL}')]</size></block> <br/> <block 0,0,0,0 #FF4BACC6 center 600><size 35>Number of Items: {TICKET QUANTITY SUM}</size></block>
- Create a “Ticket Closed” rule as below
This is the flow, add or remove items and the header updates each time the ticket total is changed (add or remove orders, discounts etc)
when ticket is paid and closed the header then disappears until a new order is added