SambaPOS 5.7.14 Release

For the memory of Emre Eren 1976 - ∞

:arrow_down: Download:

:warning: Don’t forget to create a backup before installing new releases. You’ll need a working backup if you need to roll back to the previous version.

What’s new in 5.7.14

  • Timeclock editing bugs solved
  • Timeclock reports added to classical reports
  • New Ingenico TSM Module added
  • Dejavoo Payment Integration USA added

In the new version, where many new features have been added and
updates have been made, we would like to draw your attention to some
important aspects regarding the licensing of the product.

We have made improvements and adjustments in licensing in this
version. Therefore, for all SambaPOS versions prior to 5.7.14, it will
be necessary to perform a licensing after the update.

This means that even if you install over the existing V5, after the
installation is complete, you should run Licensing.exe to perform a
quick licensing using your license email address and password.

After licensing from the main machine, the Message Server will work
and automatically license all terminals connected to it once it is

From this version onwards, it is no longer mandatory for terminals to be closed.
Note: If the terminals are open during licensing, you need to exit and
re-enter the program for re-licensing.

Step-by-Step Licensing for the Update:

  • Be sure to back up your database.
  • Update/install SambaPOS on all computers.
  • On the main computer, run Licensing.exe to perform licensing.
  • Run the Message Server or restart it if it’s already running.
  • Start your main computer and terminals.

Step-by-Step Licensing for a New Installation:

  • Install SambaPOS.
  • Start SambaPOS and set up the SQL Database and Message Server
    connections, then save.
  • Run/Install the Message Server on the port specified.
  • Restart the program (to create the database and connect to the Message Server).
  • Run Licensing.exe to complete the licensing process.
  • Restart the Message Server, and then start SambaPOS to begin using it.

sounds good but I was expecting FBR Integration for Pakistan in this new update. :frowning_face:

It comes to a complete surprise to find out that none of the bugs reported have been fixed the new version.

Especially Split Ticket feature since its breaking reporting of account transaction values for each ticket. When methods for regenerating these transaction details exist already.

Split Ticket Issue
Print Job Mapping Issue
@@query issue
Custom Field converts to date issue

I was very hopeful about 5.7.14, because of the assurances made about a release of expanded tax features via email. Pushed from 5.7.11 ==> 5.7.14 release, and after 10 months, there has been no communication on or sign of it being in the works.

I am sorry but has to be said, lack of urgency to add - any one - or at the very least - only one - of these items in each development cycle is concerning.

I hope at least, this new update permanently stops need to reactivate licensing from time to time.


You are completely right. It is true that we are progressing very slowly in fixing some critical bugs.
But we had to give priority because the problems encountered during licensing increased so much and caused more general usage problems.
From now on, you will not experience problems such as license loss.
We will be faster regarding other items (including e-mail). Promise.


I had to skip a lot of version and typical sambapos the download links for older version being removed…and this 5.7.14 version had such a major effort.

please samabpos, keep the last working version download link before major release, let whoever installed the software had some time to breath, rather than keep following your bugs squashing exercise, as and when you guys feels like it (unannounced).

also judging from the listed updates, pretty much driven by “new feature” that is payment related.

Priority ?

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Generally from my own experience, any version of SambaPOS prior to v5.3.0 I have updated first to v5.3.0 then to v5.7.x without any issue. I know a few people have reported issues with using older versions upgrading to v5.7.x but that is what we do and works with our setups and other setups we have upgraded.

Obviously I am not in a position to comment on SambaPOS’s decision to not make previous versions available for download however I do understand your point. I would say that any decent SambaPOS reseller will keep their own copies of previous versions for such instances and that is why you usually don’t hear about these issues except from individual users.


We can’t always get it right. We have many many users that we listen too that are both on the forum and not on the forum. A good majority are not in the forum but they contact us constantly. We try our best to balance urgency with our small team. Sometimes we get it wrong or we take too long but we will keep solving everything.

I don’t think we will change our process with updates it has been this way since day 1 and we won’t be changing anytime soon however we will take your concerns into consideration. We try to listen to everyone even if we ultimately decide what’s best for us may not meet what you think it should be.

Many forum members can usually help you with your requests specifically older versions and we encourage that.


Just for understand clearly. Why you need old versions? Maybe i can understand you need a prior version if new version have some bugs. But we are solving all if someone reports it.

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I can perfectly understand that the advancement and improvements of sambapos are necessary and essential. Now as an implementer I always save all the versions that have been published and even more important is that I have always waited a while before making an update to clients. But until today I have had no problems with version 5.7.14.

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5.7.14 is a very stable version. Yes we have some outstanding bugs to still fix but so far 5.7.14 has been very stable

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