Terminal Print Job Mappings

Problems seems to be that SambaPOS does not evaluate other print job mappings in case:

  • Terminal column mapping is set and others are * —> It will result in * terminal mappings being skipped.

In the photo below. If order submitted from Restaurant terminal, only the Beer category will be printed. Other will not.

mp4 in zip file
Print Job Mappings Issue.zip (3.4 MB)

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This is a long standing bug, I reported it back in April 2019 on v5.2.22…

The only way to get around it is to create separate Print Jobs for each terminal then trigger then separately in rules. You can simplify the amount of actions you need to create by just passing the terminal name as a parameter, but this is still the only way I could get it to work per terminal in a reliable way.


Assuming you mean print job and not print task? However this doesn’t work, it is the issue which has been reported here.

That’s interesting, its definitely not something I have tried. However the problem still exists as this is still just a workaround, * should work for terminals the same way it does for anything else but doesn’t.