It comes to a complete surprise to find out that none of the bugs reported have been fixed the new version.
Especially Split Ticket feature since its breaking reporting of account transaction values for each ticket. When methods for regenerating these transaction details exist already.
Split Ticket Issue
Print Job Mapping Issue
@@query issue
Custom Field converts to date issue
I was very hopeful about 5.7.14, because of the assurances made about a release of expanded tax features via email. Pushed from 5.7.11 ==> 5.7.14 release, and after 10 months, there has been no communication on or sign of it being in the works.
I am sorry but has to be said, lack of urgency to add - any one - or at the very least - only one - of these items in each development cycle is concerning.
I hope at least, this new update permanently stops need to reactivate licensing from time to time.