This is very odd. I assume those photos are all from the same ticket?
If so, I see:
Order State = New:
Joker (small) 9.95
Brussels (small) 9.95
american potatoes 3.40
Lookbroodjes 2.30
Then when Order State = Submitted:
Joker (small) 10.00
Brussels (small) 10.00
american potatoes 3.00
Lookbroodjes 2.30 <--- no change!
Firstly, price is changing, but also, price of Lookbroodjes does not change from 2.30. The only difference I see on Lookbroodjes is it has an Order Tag.
Can you test what happens with Joker (small) if you add an Order Tag - does it remain at 9.95 or change to 10.00 when submitted?
This is very odd behaviour. I would be inclined to think something is happening at the database level, or possibly someone has messed with some settings within the database (on field rounding or something) - however it doesn’t answer why Lookbroodjes doesn’t appear to be affected.
When an order is New, it isn’t yet saved to the database. Once it is submitted, it is saved to database. This is why I am thinking it looks like it is related to the database.
It’s so long since I dealt with CE database. I suggest you upgrade the database to SQL 2014 LocalDB or SQL Express, the system will run faster also and be more reliable. If there is a configuration issue in your CE database, it likely will be fixed with this as well.
There are step by step instructions here for both installing SQL Server Express 2014 and also converting a CE database to SQL Express:
If you want help to convert the database to SQL LocalDB or Express, I can do it for you for a fee. Just send me a PM.
It could also be a language issue - you use ,
for decimal separator. Possibly there is a mismatch of language settings in your database that it is expecting a .
. It sounds really odd though.