Thank you, using Pre Order works like a charm.
Note, Pre Order
Tickets allow us to end work period, while normal tickets do not.
I can “free” the tables, these will be shown in green, end work period, start a new one and “un-free” the tables.
I can only free the tables New Orders
with ticket marked as Unpaid
. This is what I want, ticket mark as Bill Requested
must be settled before ending work period.
Here is what I did, it might help:
Create a new table status:
New Status of a Table been “free-ed” = Cierre
(that’s just the name I choose):
Manage > Settings > States > Add State:
Create 4 actions:
Automation > Actions > Add Action:
Actions to change PreOrder Ticket Status:
2 actions.
Mark Ticket as PreOrder
to change the ticket’s state to “Pre Order”
Mark Ticket as NON PreOrder
to change the ticket’s state to “NON Pre Order”.
Actions to change Table Entity Status:
2 actions:
Create 2 automation commands
These will be mapped as 2 Buttons:
PreOrder Automation:
Save. This button will only be visible for
NOPreOrder Automation:
Save. This button will only be visible for
Create 2 Rules:
Finally we create 2 rules to link togheter everything we defined above:
Mark Ticket as PreOrder
and Mark Ticket as NONPre Order
Mark Ticket as PreOrder
That rule will be execute when:
- the automation command
is clicked
That rule will execute the following actions:
- Update Ticket Status as
Pre Order
- Update Table Status as
- Close Ticket
Mark Ticket as NON Pre Order
That rule will be execute when:
- the automation command
is clicked
That rule will execute the following actions:
- Update Ticket Status as
NON Pre Order
- Update Table Status as
New Orders
- Close Ticket
Add a default mapping for these 2 rules.
That’s all.
Now in POS, you can open all existing tables marked as “Unpaid”, click on PreOrder Button, ticket will be put as Pre Order and Table will be displayed in green.
Close your Work Period, Open the next one.
Open all Green tables and click on the NOPreOrder Button, ticket will be marked as NO PreOrder, and Table will be marked as New Orders (Orange)