Cashup Screen sambapos v5

DB Tools Import File with all the pieces of my version… fill yer boots.

It looks something like this:

DB Tools File:

! (13.4 KB)

Most elements contained in the file are prefixed by WP (Workperiod) or CO (Cashout) or contain as part of their name, the word Workperiod or Cashout. This includes Entity Screens, Automation Commands, Actions, Rules, Reports, etc. For example, these are some of the Rules for each:

If there appears to be anything missing or does not quite seem to work properly, I might have missed an element, or it is specific to my setup that does not exists in yours so it might break. As an example, the Cashcount Report references specific Accounts that you will certainly not have in your system, so you will need to edit that report to remove reference to Accounts that you do not have. I cannot fix this for you - you need to do it yourself. This is precisely why there is not a “default generic” setup for this built into SambaPOS in the first place, which is what I have been trying to explain all along.

But you have the basic pieces you need to get you started. Go ahead and let me know what trouble you might be experiencing and I will try to help you with it. Best to provide screenshots or any potential error messages. Other than that, this is really for studying and learning purposes, so I encourage you to experiment with it and modify it to suit your needs.

If you don’t know what a DB Tools Import file is, it is a TXT file containing Configuration Elements that you can inject into your Database to instantly create necessary pieces for Automation or other types of setups without needing to follow a Tutorial and create everything manually. This is what you do to load it into your DB:

  • extract the ZIP to reveal a TXT file
  • go to Manage > Settings > Database Tools > Tools and click Import from File
  • browse to the location of the TXT file, and select it for Import
  • when the Import is complete, click OK on the dialog that appears
  • login
  • go to town… all the elements are now magically part of your system

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