Im currently setting up a SQL server on a remote PC, same location, same connection through an AP. Ive set up a lot of remote servers, but this bad boy isnt being nice to me…
Whats the chances of it being an AP problem? its a cheap chinese one wired into my sons bedroom?
Really depends on a few things that could interfere with wifi connections.
Wifi deadspots
Simply a bad AP
Or a good AP but bad coverage through brick walls.
Could be a combination of things
Generally you would expect some sort of connectivity if setup corectly.
WAPs would generally not have any form of routing/firwall being lan based and file sharing etc would suggest network structure is ok.
Obviously that doesnt mean SQL is a set thing but suggests network is ok…
Guessing you cant connect via MSSQLM from laptop?
Do you install samba using default settings? 'cause last time i had a similar problem was that installed samba on terminal wirh local db causing the issue that wont connect the server
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